A belt of rocks known as the Quesnel terrane extends roughly northwest-southeast through BC’s interior and is host to many known mines including Mount Milligan (Cu-Au), Mount Polley (Cu-Au) and the Gibraltar (Cu-Mo). However, in the Prince George area, the Quesnel terrane is obscured by a thick layer of glacial sediments. Without a better understanding of the geology under the thick layer of glacial till, mineral exploration and other land use decisions are hindered.
This project will use Geoscience BC’s QUEST project regional electromagnetic and gravity data to derive new information about bedrock geology in the central Quesnel terrane. These particular datasets have been underused in interpreting bedrock under glacial till in central BC (when compared to magnetic data) but show interesting correlations with known geology and structures. Specifically, electromagnetic and gravity data show promise in distinguishing between different volcanic units and can identify igneous intrusive bodies as well as structures. Interpreting this data should provide enhanced information about the geology under glacial till in the central Quesnel terrane and may help identify geological settings favorable for mineral deposits.