Summary of Activities 2018: Minerals and Mining

ISSN 2561-4584 (Print) / ISSN 2561-4592 (Online)

Summary of Activities 2018: Minerals and MiningGeoscience BC, Report 2019-01

Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2018: Minerals and Mining includes 12 papers from ongoing Mineral geoscience projects. Authors include both Geoscience BC-supported researchers and Scholarship winners. An additional 13 papers from ongoing and completed Energy and Water geoscience projects can be found in the companion volume Summary of Activities 2018: Energy and Water.

Limited print copies of both volumes are available from Geoscience BC. Please contact

Click here to download the Minerals and Mining volume as a single PDF file (PDF document, 62 MB)

Individual Papers
Foreword (PDF document, 6.9 MB) Note: Also contains the document title page, publishing information and table of contents
Identifying New Natural Resource Opportunities
N.A. Rioseco, D.R.M. Pattison and R.E Ashton  Relationship Between Deformation and Metamorphism in the Interface Between the Purcell Anticlinorium and the Kootenay Arc, Southeastern British Columbia  (PDF document, 9.6 MB)
R.L. Simister, B.P. Iulianella Phillips, P.A. Winterburn and S.A. Crowe Microbial-Community Fingerprints as Indicators for Buried Mineralization, Southern British Columbia  (PDF document, 4.9 MB)
P.M. Luck, R.L. Chouinard and P.A. Winterburn Organic-Compound Pathfinders in Soil for Base- and Precious-Metal Exploration in British Columbia  (PDF document, 2.2 MB)
V.K. Kuppusamy and M.E. Holuszko Characterization and Extraction of Rare-Earth Elements from East Kootenay Coalfield Samples, Southeastern British Columbia  (PDF document, 2.5 MB)
Advancing Science and Innovative Geoscience Technologies
F. Bouzari and C.J.R. Hart Assessing British Columbia Porphyry Fertility Using Zircons  (PDF document, 2.5 MB)
M.M. Binner, D.D. Marshall, C.M. Rebagliati and K.B. Riedell IKE Copper-Molybdenum-Silver Porphyry Deposit, Southwestern British Columbia: Early Halo-Type Veins as a Tool for Vectoring Toward Higher Grade Mineralization  (PDF document, 3.1 MB)
H.C. Graham, D.J. Morgan, R.J. Chapman and D.A. Banks Evolution of Porphyry-Epithermal Gold Systems Using Trace Elements: Insights from the Iron Cap Deposit, Kerr-Sulphurets-Mitchell District, Northwestern British Columbia  (PDF document, 8.0 MB)
E.A. Miller, L. Kennedy and B.I. van Straaten Preliminary Field Results from Kinskuch Lake, Northwestern British Columbia: A Study of the Boundary Between the Stuhini and Hazelton Groups  (PDF document, 6.6 MB)
M.L. Mackay, L. Giroux, R.L. Leeder, H. Dexter, J. Halko, M. Holuszko, and D. Thomas Producing Clean Coal from Western Canadian Coalfields Using the Water-Based Roben Jig Process: Refining the Process  (PDF document, 2.1 MB)
Facilitating Responsible Natural Resource Development
L.H. Fraser Soil Amendments in Mine Closure, New Afton Mine, South-Central British Columbia: Proposed Work  (PDF document, 1.2 MB)
L.H. Fraser Biodiversity in Ecosystem Mine Reclamation, South-Central British Columbia: Proposed Work  (PDF document, 2.5 MB)
S.S.S. Vanderzee, G.M. Dipple and P.M.D. Bradshaw Targeting Highly Reactive Labile Magnesium in Ultramafic Tailings for Greenhouse-Gas Offsets and Potential Tailings Stabilization at the Baptiste Deposit, Central British Columbia  (PDF document, 3.2 MB)