Geoscience BC's Nechako Seismic Project focused on the Nechako Basin west of Quesnel, in the heart of the Mountain Pine Beetle affected area of interior BC.
This project included a $2.5 million survey, totaling approximately 350 line-kilometres of new seismic data acquisition. It was funded with $2 million from Geoscience BC and $0.5 million from the Northern Development Initiative Trust Pine Beetle Recovery Account.
This project represents a major component of Geoscience BC's interior basins oil and gas geoscience program originally funded in April 2005 with a $5 million grant to Geoscience BC from the Provincial government. The area of the survey is largely contained within the Nazko First Nation's Traditional Territory, and CGGVeritas provided training and employment opportunities to some members of the Nazko FN.
Seismic surveys use sound waves to produce images of the rock formations below the earth's surface. These images provide critical data needed to identify formations and structures with the potential to host oil and gas deposits. Vibroseis surveys create sounds waves using vibrator plates mounted on the base of a series of large trucks.
This survey complemented ongoing seismic monitoring, geophysical and geological studies of the Nechako Basin being supported by Geoscience BC in partnership with Simon Fraser University, the University of British Columbia the BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, and Natural Resources Canada.