Edges: Exposure of a New Inter-Agency Geo-Mapping Project for Mineral Potential in Southwest Yukon and Northern BC

November 17, 2008 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce that the Geological Association of Canada - Cordilleran Section (www.gac-cs.ca) is hosting a FREE Lunchtime Brownbag Lecture titled:

Edges: Exposure of a New Inter-Agency Geo-Mapping Project for Mineral
Potential in Southwest Yukon and Northern BC

Dr. Bert Struik (Geological Survey of Canada - Vancouver)
Date: Friday, November 21, 2008
Time: 11:50 AM (10 minutes before noon)
Location: Geological Survey of Canada, 8th floor boardroom, 605 Robson Street

This talk outlines the present design and intent of the Edges Project of the national Geo-Mapping for Energy and Minerals Program (GEM). The Edges project aims to improve the effectiveness of mineral exploration and discovery in the northern Cordillera by outlining resource-rich environments in and related to the 'exotic', accreted terranes of its outer margins (Alexander, Wrangellia, Windy-McKinley, Cache Creek). The subduction generated and collisional environments of the adjacent terranes of Yukon-Tanana and Stikinia will be included where they reflect the interaction of the exotic terranes. The project will have two targets:

  • the exotic terranes themselves with their enclosed pre-accretionary syngenetic and epigenetic deposits; and
  • the metal-rich Triassic through Paleogene magmatic arcs and associated accretion zones that resulted from interaction of the exotic terranes with the peri-Laurentian margin of western North America.

It will apply a suite of geoscience tools, including detailed frontier geological mapping, airborne geophysics, geochronology, paleontology and isotopic studies; focusing on innovative methods and on knowledge gaps. The design of the work is meant to provide quick results as well as longer term, more comprehensive products to support exploration decisions and reduce exploration risk. This project is a collaborative effort between the Geological Survey of Canada, Yukon Geological Survey, BC Geological Survey, and Geoscience BC, involving colleagues from Alaska (USGS, DGGS) and university co-researchers.


About Geoscience BC

Geoscience BC is an industry-led, industry-focused, non-profit organization. Its mandate includes the collection, interpretation and delivery of geoscience data and expertise to promote investment in resource exploration and development in British Columbia. Geoscience BC works in partnership with industry, academia, government, First Nations and communities to attract mineral and oil & gas investment to BC.
