Are you an expert? Geoscience BC committee nominations

Vancouver, BC - August 16, 2017 - Geoscience BC is seeking volunteers for an expanded Minerals and Mining Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The organization is growing from its roots in supporting the discovery of mineral deposits to including mine development and reclamation: the full lifecycle of a mine cycle.

Geoscience BC's TACs are a valued part of our agile and innovative organization. They solicit, generate and recommend proposals for Board approval and their expertise is vital to the success of the organization.

The updated Minerals and Mining TAC will continue to focus on baseline information and innovate research around regarding mineral discovery, but is now looking to add new expertise relating to mineral extraction and mining in areas such as water and tailings management, geometallurgy, site reclamation, incorporating Traditional Knowledge, and social acceptance.

TAC members are asked to attend between 3 and 5 half day meetings per year, participate in project sub-committees 1 to 3 times per year and spend between 20 and 30 hours per year reviewing proposals. The standard term for TAC membership is two years. Further detail is available in our Draft Terms of Reference here. The membership of a TAC is approved by the Geoscience BC Board of Directors based on recommendation of the President and CEO and TAC Chair.

If you think you would be a valuable addition to the Minerals and Mining TAC, please fill out the nomination form: Word document PDF version. Send the completed form to Christa Pellett, Geoscience BC Project Coordinator

Please also share this information with anyone you know who may be interested in joining our team. Nominations will be accepted until September 11, 2017.

About Geoscience BC

Geoscience BC is an independent, non-profit organization that generates earth science information in collaboration with First Nations, local communities, governments, academia and the resource sector. Our independent earth science enables informed resource management decisions. Geoscience BC gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.

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