Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2008 -- Geoscience BC Report -- 2009-1

January 28, 2009-Geoscience BC is please to announce the release of "Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2008; Geoscience BC, Report 2009-1." This annual technical publication includes twenty-one technical papers, highlighting the work of current Geoscience BC projects (including the QUEST-West Project). The entire volume is accessible online at, and limited print and CD versions of the volume are available today and tomorrow at Geoscience BC's booth at AME BC's Mineral Exploration Roundup conference at the Westin Bayshore in Vancouver.

The contents of Summary of Activities 2008 are as follows.

QUEST-West Project
"QUEST-West Geophysics in central British Columbia: new regional gravity and helicopter time-domain electromagnetic data" (Kowalczyk, P.L.)

"QUEST-West Project geochemistry: field survey and data reanalysis, central British Columbia" (Jackaman, W. Balfour, J.S., and Reichheld, S.A.)

Minerals Projects
"Stream geochemical survey sample reanalysis, Terrace and Prince Rupert map areas, western British Columbia" (Jackaman, W.)

"Trace-element analysis of clay-sized fraction of archived till samples, Babine porphyry copper district, west-central British Columbia" (Ferbey, T.)

"Ice-flow history, drift thickness and drift prospecting for a portion of the QUEST Project area, central British Columbia" (Ward, B., Maynard, D., Geertsema, M. and Rabb, T.)

"Distribution of alteration in an alkalic porphyry copper-gold deposit at Mount Milligan, central British Columbia" (Jago, C.J. and Tosdal, R.M.)

"Investigations of orogenic gold deposits in the Cariboo gold district, east-central British Columbia: progress report" (Rhys, D.A., Mortensen, J,K, and Ross, K.)

"Mineralization and alteration of Cretaceous rocks of the Taseko Lakes region, southwestern British Columbia" (Hollis, L., Kennedy, L.A., and Hickey, K.A.)

"Sulphur sources for gold deposits in the Bridge River-Bralorne mineral district, southwestern British Columbia" (Moore, L.H., Hart, C.J.R. and Marsh, E.E.)

"Preliminary results of geological mapping, uranium-lead zircon dating, and micropaleontological and lead isotopic studies of volcanogenic massive sulphide-hosting stratigraphy of the Middle and Late Paleozoic Sicker and Lower Buttle Lake groups on Vancouver Island, British Columbia." (Ruks, T., Mortensen, J.K. and Cordey, F.)

"Sediment-hosted stratabound copper-silver-cobalt potential of the Creston Formation, Purcell Supergroup, southeastern British Columbia." (Hartlaub, R.P.)

"Time-domain electromagnetic and magnetic survey over the Kootenay Arc, southeastern British Columbia" (Kirkham, G.D., Miles, W.F., Paradis, S., Finley, B. and Troop, A.)

"Development and application of a rock property database for British Columbia" (Parsons, S., McGaughy, J., Mitchinson, D., Phillips, N. and Lane, T.)

Oil and Gas Projects
"Vibroseis survey acquisition in the central Nechako Basin, south-central British Columbia" (Calvert, A.J, Hayward, N., Smithyman, B.R. and Takam Takougang, E.M.)

"Preliminary first-arrival modelling constraints on the character, thickness and distribution of Neogene and Eocene volcanic rocks in the southeastern Nechako Basin, south-central British Columbia" (Hayward, N. and Calvert, A.J.)

"Enhanced velocity structure from waveform tomography of seismic first-arrival data: application to the Nechako Basin, south-central British Columbia" (Clowes, R.M. and Smithyman, B.R.)

"Mapping the sedimentary rocks and crustal structure of the Nechako Basin, south-central British Columbia using teleseismic receiver functions" (Kim, H.S., Cassidy, J.F., Dosso, S.E., and Kao, H.)

"Seismic tomography of the Nechako Basin, south-central British Columbia, using ambient seismic noise" (Idowu, O., Frederiksen, A., and Cassidy, J.F.)

"Preliminary images of the conductivity structure of the Nechako Basin, south-central British Columbia from the magnetotelluric method" (Spratt, J.E., and Craven, J.A.)

"Regional facies patterns in the northern Jackass Mountain Group, northern Methow Basin, southwestern British Columbia" (Mahoney, J.B., Haggart, J.W., MacLaurin, C.I., Forgette, M.M, Goodin, J.R., Balgord, E.A. and Mustard, P.S.)

"Sedimentation patterns and reservoir distribution in a siliciclastic, tectonically active slope environment, Bowser Basin, northwestern British Columbia" (Gagnon, J-F, and Waldron, J.W.F.)

Geoscience BC

Geoscience BC is an industry-led, industry-focused, non-profit organization. Its mandate includes the collection, interpretation and delivery of geoscience data and expertise to promote investment in resource exploration and development in British Columbia. Geoscience BC works in partnership with industry, academia, government, First Nations and communities to attract mineral and oil & gas investment to BC.