Geoscience BC Releases new Analysis of the QUEST Geochemical Dataset, Z-TEM Data from Mt. Milligan and Preliminary QUEST Project Area Till Geochemistry

January 26, 2009 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Report 2009-3: "Using Geochemistry and Neural Networks to map Geology under Glacial Cover." The report releases the findings of a BW Mining study aimed at using the QUEST geochemical datasets and neural networks to map the geology, which is partially concealed by glacial overburden. This data release contains a final report and 45 maps, including maps for 42 elements (measured and estimated), cluster analysis results and inferred bedrock geology. The report can be downloaded from the QUEST and QUEST-West Data Release page on Geoscience BC's website. Some of the maps released in this report will also be on display today in the Map Tent at the Mineral Exploration Roundup, starting at 10 am. Colin Barnett of BW Mining will be giving a talk on the results in the Mineral Exploration Roundup Public Geoscience Session on January 27th.

New Z-TEM Dataset

Geoscience BC is also pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Report 2009-7: "Helicopter-Borne Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic (ZTEM) and Aeromagnetic Geophysical Survey - Mt. Milligan Test Block." The release includes a final report for the project, databases and grids, and maps in PDF format, all of which will be available from Geoscience BC's website. Z-TEM is a passive airborne electromagnetic system. It uses the natural time varying changes in the earth's magnetic field to detect conductors, map geology and explore for large poorly conductive features such as regional faults and porphyry copper deposits. Geoscience BC and Terrane Metals Corp partnered on the Z-TEM survey of the Mt Milligan property, which was flown at a 250 m line spacing by Geotech Ltd.

Till Geochemistry

A poster by Trevor Rabb is now available on our website ( The poster is titled "Detailed Geochemical Till Sampling of Two Geophysical Anomalies of the QUEST Area," and will be on display today in the Mineral Exploration Roundup Poster session. The poster contains new unreleased till geochemical data.

About Geoscience BC

Geoscience BC is an industry-led, industry-focused, non-profit organization. Its mandate includes the collection, interpretation and delivery of geoscience data and expertise to promote investment in resource exploration and development in British Columbia. Geoscience BC works in partnership with industry, academia, government, First Nations and communities to attract mineral and oil & gas investment to BC.