2022 Geoscience BC Minerals and Energy & Water Research Summaries Now Available
Vancouver, BC – January 23, 2023 – Research papers summarizing Geoscience BC minerals, energy and water research projects and scholarships are now available in the Summary of Activities 2022: Minerals and Energy & Water volumes.
Summary of Activities 2022: Minerals (Geoscience BC Report 2023-01) contains eight technical papers from ongoing Geoscience BC projects and from 2022 Geoscience BC Scholarship Program recipients focusing on two strategic objectives: identifying new natural resource opportunities; and advancing science and innovative geoscience technologies. The papers include a new project integrating electromagnetic and gravity data to resolve the deep geology of the Quesnel terrane in central British Columbia and seven papers led by Geoscience BC Scholarship 2022 recipients.
View Summary of Activities 2022: Minerals
Summary of Activities 2022: Energy and Water (Geoscience BC Report 2023-02) contains seven technical papers that contribute to meeting strategic objectives of identifying new natural resource opportunities; facilitating responsible natural resource development; enabling clean energy; and understanding water. The papers include an update on a project developing a database of brines containing lithium and other dissolved critical minerals and metals in northeast BC; a summary of the recently-completed Northeast BC Geological Carbon Capture and Storage Atlas project; an update on continuing research into geothermal energy in the Garibaldi volcanic belt; and three papers led by Geoscience BC Scholarship Program 2022 recipients.
View Summary of Activities 2022: Energy and Water
As well as being available online, limited printed copies of the Summary of Activity volumes are available from Geoscience BC, including at the AME Roundup 2023 conference from January 23-26, 2023.
About Geoscience BC
Geoscience BC generates independent, public geoscience research and data about British Columbia’s minerals, energy and water resources. This advances knowledge, informs responsible development, encourages investment and stimulates innovation.
Our collaboration with the resource sectors, academia, communities, Indigenous groups and government develops and shares unbiased and credible earth science research and data.
Geoscience BC’s Corporate, Individual, Student and Associate membership program makes it easier for a wide range of partners to provide more input on, and benefit from, Geoscience BC research priorities and project ideas as the transition to a lower carbon economy increases demand for British Columbia’s natural resources.
For more information, please contact:
Richard Truman
Geoscience BC