Summary of Activities 2023

ISSN 2562-8623 (Print) / ISSN 2562-8631 (Online)

Geoscience BC, Report 2024-01

Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2023 contains eleven papers from Geoscience BC projects and Geoscience BC Scholarship 2023 recipients that are within Geoscience BC's strategic focus area of minerals and energy. 

Limited print copies of both volumes are available from Geoscience BC.

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Summary of Activities 2023

Individual Papers
(PDF document, 1.1 KB)
Note: Also contains the document title page, publishing information and table of contents
Critical Minerals and Metals  
T. Höy and W. Jackaman
Geology of the West Kootenay Area, Southern British Columbia: regional compilation and mineral potential
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L. Abdale, J. Nelson and L.A. Groat
Testing the relationship between the Cottonbelt lead-zinc deposit and the carbonatite-syenite province of the Frenchman Cap dome area, southeastern British Columbia
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H. Xu, S. Barker, F. Bouzari, C. Harraden and M. Manor
Characterizing hostrocks and alteration footprints at the Lorraine alkalic copper-gold porphyry deposit, north-central British Columbia
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K.R. Broda, A.E. Williams-Jones and O.V. Vasyukova
Controls on the nickel mineralization of the Alaskan-type Turnagain deposit, north-central British Columbia
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K.M. Powers, K.E.L. Rubingh and S.L.L. Barker
Stratigraphic classification and geochronology within the Hazelton Group, Stewart mining camp, northwestern British Columbia 
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J. Dlugosz, K.P. Larson, C.J.M. Lawley, C.J. Beno and D.C. Petts
Trace-element mapping by laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry of sulphide minerals from the Burgandy Ridge copper-gold alkalic porphyry prospect in the Golden Triangle, northwestern British Columbia
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R.J. Johnston, L.A. Kennedy, K.A. Hickey and B.I. van Straaten
Revisiting the stratigraphy of the alkalic Stuhini Group in the Galore Creek area, northwestern British Columbia
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G. Pamparana, B. Klein and M.G. Bergerman
Effect of the specific pressing force, material moisture content and roll speed on throughput of the high-pressure grinding roll: pilot-scale test on Copper Mountain mine ore, south-central British Columbia
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B. Bahroudi, J. Singh and L.H. Fraser
Application of zeolite, leonardite and compost as a tool for mine reclamation: a greenhouse study using tailings from the historical Afton mine in south-central British Columbia
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Cleaner Energy  
F. Hormozzade Ghalati, J.A. Craven, D. Motazedian and S.E. Grasby
Petrophysical analysis of geothermal systems at Mount Meager, southwestern British Columbia
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Geological Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)  
M. Nazemi
Key considerations for carbon dioxide sequestration in the Lower Mainland, southwestern British Columbia
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