Individual Papers |
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B.E. Madu and T. Ballantyne
Search Project: Phase III Activities in North-Central British Columbia
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M. Rahimi, J.J. Angen and C.J.R. Hart
Application of ASTER Data to Identify Potential Alteration Zones on Microwave Ridge, Northeastern Search Project Area, West-Central British Columbia
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D.C. Arne, R. Mackie, C. Pennimpede and E. Grunsky
Integrated Assessment of Regional Stream-Sediment Geochemistry for Metallic Deposits in Northwestern British Columbia
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D.F. McLeish, A.E. Williams-Jones, W.S. Board and J.R. Clark
Nature and Origin of the Brucejack Highgrade Epithermal Gold Deposit, Northwestern British Columbia: 2017 Update
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T. Höy
Geology of the Greenwood Map Area, Boundary District, Southern British Columbia
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N.A. Rioseco and D.R.M. Pattison
Preliminary Investigations of the Metamorphic and Thermochronological Interface Between the Purcell Anticlinorium and the Kootenay Arc, Southeastern British Columbia
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R.L. Simister, P.A. Winterburn and S.A. Crowe
Responses of the Soil Microbial Community to Weathering of Ore Minerals
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M.L. Mackay, R.L. Leeder, L. Giroux, H. Dexter, M. Holuszko, J. Halko, C. Howey and D. Thomas
Producing Clean Coal from Western Canadian Coalfields Using the Water-Based Roben Jig Process
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V. Kumar, A. Kumar and M.E. Holuszko
Occurrence of Rare-Earth Elements in Selected British Columbian Coal Deposits and Their Derivative Products
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L.M. Volden, D. Kirste, R.A. Gordon and M. Bianchin
Geochemistry of Selenium in the Residual from Biologically Treated Mine-Impacted Waters
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S.S.S. Vanderzee, I.M. Power, G.M. Dipple and P.M.D. Bradshaw
Carbon Mineralization in Ultramafic Tailings, Central British Columbia: A Prospect for Stabilizing Mine Waste and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
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