Summary of Activities 2015

Summary of Activities 2015Geoscience BC, Report 2016-01

Limited print copies of the full volume are available from Geoscience BC. Please contact Click here to download the volume as a single PDF file (PDF document, 49.5 MB) Individual Papers If pdf files do not open on your computer, right-click the file and "Save target as..." a PDF file to your computer, then open the file.  
Foreword (PDF document, 98 KB) Note: Also contains the document title page, publishing information and table of contents
Minerals Projects
J.J. Angen, J.M. Logan, C.J.R. Hart and R. Kim: TREK Geological Mapping Project, Year 2: Update on Bedrock Geology and Mineralization in the TREK Project Area, Central British Columbia  (PDF document, 3.21 MB)
F. Bouzari, C.J.R. Hart, T. Bissig and G. Lesage: Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Porphyry-Fertile Plutons: Guichon Creek, Takomkane and Granite Mountain Batholiths, South-Central British Columbia  (PDF document, 1.95 MB)
T. Höy: Geology of the Kettle River Area, Almond Mountain Project, Southern British Columbia  (PDF document, 10.0 MB)
W. Jackaman and D.A. Sacco: Reconnaissance Biogeochemical Survey using Spruce Tops in the West Road (Blackwater) River Area, Fraser Plateau, Central British Columbia (PDF document, 3.58 MB)
B.E. Madu: Search: Geoscience BC's New Minerals Project in West-Central British Columbia (Phases I and II) (PDF document, 1.05 MB)
Energy Projects
B. Brown, P. Gisselø, and M. Best: SkyTEM Airborne Electromagnetic Systems for Hydrogeological Mapping in Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 2.77 MB)
R.M. Bustin and A.M.M. Bustin: Potential for Natural-Gas Liquid from Western Canadian Shales: Regional Variation in Thermal Maturity and Gas Composition, Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 2.95 MB)
E.A Letham and R.M. Bustin: Apparent Permeability Effective Stress Laws: Misleading Predictions Resulting from Gas Slippage, Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 1.05 MB)
B.J.R. Hayes, V. Levson, J. Carey and Y. Mykula: Interpretation of Quaternary Sediments and Depth to Bedrock, Peace Project Area, Northeastern British Columbia: Project Update (PDF document, 10.1 MB)
C.J. Hickson, G. Huttrer, T. Kunkel, J. Majorowicz, R. Yehia, J. Lund, K. Raffle, M. Moore, G. Woodsworth, T. Boyd, and L. Hjorth: Investigating the Potential for Direct-Use Geothermal Resources in British Columbia: A New Geoscience BC project (PDF document, 7.58 MB)
A.Babaie Mahani, H. Kao, D. Walker, J. Johnson and C. Salas: Regional Monitoring of Induced Seismicity in Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 3.34 MB)
W.L. Quinton, J.R. Adams, J.L. Baltzer, A.A. Berg, J.R. Craig and E. Johnson: Permafrost Ecosystems in Transition: Understanding and Predicting Hydrological and Ecological Change in the Southern Taiga Plains, Northeastern British Columbia and Southwestern Northwest Territories (PDF document, 405 KB)
Scholarship Recipients
S. Abadzadesahraei, S.J. Déry, and J. Rex: Quantifying the Water Budget for a Northern Boreal Watershed: The Coles Lake Study, Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 1.67 MB)
M.M. Bodnar and P.A. Winterburn: Integration of Surface Regolith Mapping and Soil Field Measurements with Geochemistry in a Till-Covered Terrain, Lara Volcanogenic Massive-Sulphide Deposit, Southern Vancouver Island (PDF document, 6.37 MB)
A.E. Gegolick, C.M. Furlong, T.L. Playter, D.T. Prenoslo, M.K. Gingras and J.-P.Zonneveld: Facies Analysis and Ichnology of the Upper Montney Formation in Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 2.23 MB)
J. Granek and E. Haber: Advanced Geoscience Targeting via Focused Machine Learning Applied to the QUEST Project Dataset, British Columbia (PDF document, 3.81 MB)
N.J. Harrichhausen, C.D. Rowe, W.S. Board, and C.J. Greig: Structure of a High-Grade, Electrum-Bearing Quartz-Carbonate Vein Stockwork at the Brucejack Deposit, Northwestern British Columbia (PDF document, 6.44 MB)
R.S. Kim, C.J.R. Hart, J.J. Angen and J.M. Logan: Stratigraphic and Lithological Constraints of Late Cretaceous Volcanic Rocks in the TREK Project Area, Central British Columbia (PDF document, 2.26 MB)
S. McGoldrick, A. Zagorevski, D. Canil, A.-S. Corriveau, S. Bichlmaier and S. Carroll: Geology of the Cache Creek Terrane in the Peridotite Peak-- Menatatuline Range Area, Northwestern British Columbia (PDF document, 12.5 MB)
D.T. Prenoslo, A.E. Gegolick, M.K. Gingras and J.-P. Zonneveld: Preliminary Report: Biogenic Controls on Reservoir Properties in the Lower Triassic Montney Formation, Dawson Creek Area, Northeastern British Columbia and Northwestern Alberta (PDF document, 561 KB)
S.D. Rich and P.A. Winterburn: Geochemical Mapping of the Deerhorn Copper-Gold Porphyry Deposit and Associated Alteration Through Transported Cover, Central British Columbia (PDF document, 5.24 MB)
S. Rosset and C.J.R. Hart: Hydrothermal Alteration and Mineralization at the Kerr and Deep Kerr Cu-Au Porphyry Deposits, Northwestern British Columbia (PDF document, 7.06 MB)