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Note: Also contains the document title page, publishing information and table of contents |
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Minerals Projects |
D.A. Sacco and W. Jackaman
Targeted Geochemical and Mineralogical Surveys in the TREK Project Area, Central British Columbia: Year Two (PDF document, 15.4 MB) |
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R.E. Lett and W. Jackaman:
Tracing the Source of Anomalous Geochemical Patterns in Carbonate-Rich Bog Soils Near the Nazko Volcanic Cone, Central British Columbia (PDF document, 2.6 MB) |
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by J.J. Angen, E. Westberg, C.J.R. Hart, R. Kim and C. Raley:
TREK Geology Project: Recognizing Endako Group and Chilcotin Group Basalts from Airborne Magnetic Data in the Interior Plateau Region, South-Central British Columbia (PDF document, 6.3 MB) |
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R. Kim, C.J.R Hart, J.J. Angen and E. Westberg:
Characterization of Late Cretaceous Volcanic Suites in the TREK Project Area, Central British Columbia (PDF document, 2.6 MB) |
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D. Arne and O. Brown:
Catchment Analysis Applied to the Interpretation of New Stream Sediment Data from Northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia (PDF document, 1.8 MB) |
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R. Yehia and D.R. Heberlein:
Use of a Field Portable Photometer for Rapid Geochemical Analysis of Stream and Spring Waters: A Case History from Poison Mountain, Southwestern British Columbia (PDF document, 3.0 MB) |
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M.G. Sánchez, T. Bissig and P. Kowalczyk:
Toward an Improved Basis for Beneath-Cover Mineral Exploration in the QUEST Area: New Structural Interpretation of Geophysical and Geological Datasets (PDF document, 4.4 MB) |
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F. Bouzari, C.J.R. Hart and T. Bissig:
Mineralogical Characteristics of Porphyry-Fertile Plutons: Guichon Creek, Takomkane and Granite Mountain Batholiths, South-Central British Columbia (PDF document, 1.8 MB) |
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T. Höy and W. Jackaman:
Geological Mapping, Compilation and Mineral Evaluation of the Almond Mountain Map Sheet, Southern British Columbia (PDF document, 1.1 MB) |
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M. Seabrook and T. Höy:
Structural Controls on the Kimberley Gold Trend, Southeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 1.0 MB) |
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S. Kennedy and T. Höy:
Mud Volcanoes in the Purcell Basin and Their Relevance to Middle Proterozoic Massive-Sulphide Ag-Pb-Zn Deposits, Southeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 0.5 MB) |
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C.E. Kilby and M.A. Fournier:
Historical Exploration Data Capture Pilot Project, Northwestern British Columbia (PDF document, 3.5 MB) |
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Oil and Gas Projects |
B.J.R. Hayes, S. Macleod and J. Carey.:
Characterization of Belloy, Kiskatinaw and Debolt Water Disposal Zones in the Montney Play Area, Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 2.4 MB) |
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R.M. Bustin, E. Munson, E. Letham and A.M.M. Bustin:
Quantification of the Gas- and Liquid-in-Place and Flow Characteristics of Shale and Other Fine-Grained Facies in Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 1.1 MB) |
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Scholarship Recipients |
N.L. Cook and C.J.R. Hart:
Carbonate Alteration Footprints of Carbonate-Hosted Zinc-Lead Deposits in Southeastern British Columbia: Applying Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes (PDF document, 2.2 MB) |
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R.J. D'Souza and D. Canil:
Preliminary Results from a Trace-Element Study of Amphibole-Cumulate Rocks from the Bonanza Arc, Vancouver Island, British Columbia (PDF document, 2.2 MB) |
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D.A.R. Mackay, G.J. Simandl, B. Grcic, C. Li, P. Luck, M. Redfearn and J. Gravel:
Evaluation of Mozley C800 Laboratory Mineral Separator for Heavy Mineral Concentration of Stream Sediments in Exploration for Carbonatite-Hosted Specialty Metal Deposits: Case Study at the Aley Carbonatite, Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 5.2 MB) |
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S.W. Mak, E. Eberhardt and J.A. Meech:
Assessing Fracture Network Conductivity of Prefeasibility-Level High-Temperature Geothermal Projects using discrete fracture Network Modelling at the Meager Creek site, southwestern British Columbia (PDF document, 2.0 MB) |
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N. Mostaghimi, L. Kennedy and J. Gabites:
Structural Geology of the Granite Lake Pit, Gibraltar Copper-Molybdenum Mine, South-Central British Columbia: Preliminary Observations (PDF document, 8.1 MB) |
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L.K. Pisiak, D. Canil, C. Grondahl, A. Plouffe, T. Ferbey and R.G. Anderson:
Magnetite as a Porphyry Copper Indicator Mineral in Till: A Test using the Mount Polley Porphyry Copper-Gold Deposit, South-Central British Columbia (PDF document, 6.1 MB) |
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L.M. Theny, H.D. Gibson and J.L. Crowley:
Uranium-Lead Age Constraints and Structural Analysis for the Ruddock Creek Zinc-Lead Deposit: Insight into the Tectonic Evolution of the Neoproterozoic Metalliferous Windermere Supergroup, Northern Monashee Mountains, Southern British Columbia (PDF document, 5.7 MB) |
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