Summary of Activities 2014

Summary of Activities 2014Geoscience BC, Report 2015-1

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Individual Papers

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Foreword (PDF document, 111 KB) Note: Also contains the document title page, publishing information and table of contents
Minerals Projects
D.A. Sacco and W. Jackaman  Targeted Geochemical and Mineralogical Surveys in the TREK Project Area, Central British Columbia: Year Two (PDF document, 15.4 MB)
R.E. Lett and W. Jackaman: Tracing the Source of Anomalous Geochemical Patterns in Carbonate-Rich Bog Soils Near the Nazko Volcanic Cone, Central British Columbia (PDF document, 2.6 MB)
by J.J. Angen, E. Westberg, C.J.R. Hart, R. Kim and C. Raley: TREK Geology Project: Recognizing Endako Group and Chilcotin Group Basalts from Airborne Magnetic Data in the Interior Plateau Region, South-Central British Columbia (PDF document, 6.3 MB)
R. Kim, C.J.R Hart, J.J. Angen and E. Westberg: Characterization of Late Cretaceous Volcanic Suites in the TREK Project Area, Central British Columbia (PDF document, 2.6 MB)
D. Arne and O. Brown: Catchment Analysis Applied to the Interpretation of New Stream Sediment Data from Northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia (PDF document, 1.8 MB)
R. Yehia and D.R. Heberlein: Use of a Field Portable Photometer for Rapid Geochemical Analysis of Stream and Spring Waters: A Case History from Poison Mountain, Southwestern British Columbia (PDF document, 3.0 MB)
M.G. Sánchez, T. Bissig and P. Kowalczyk: Toward an Improved Basis for Beneath-Cover Mineral Exploration in the QUEST Area: New Structural Interpretation of Geophysical and Geological Datasets (PDF document, 4.4 MB)
F. Bouzari, C.J.R. Hart and T. Bissig:  Mineralogical Characteristics of Porphyry-Fertile Plutons: Guichon Creek, Takomkane and Granite Mountain Batholiths, South-Central British Columbia (PDF document, 1.8 MB)
T. Höy and W. Jackaman:  Geological Mapping, Compilation and Mineral Evaluation of the Almond Mountain Map Sheet, Southern British Columbia (PDF document, 1.1 MB)
M. Seabrook and T. Höy:  Structural Controls on the Kimberley Gold Trend, Southeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 1.0 MB)
S. Kennedy and T. Höy:  Mud Volcanoes in the Purcell Basin and Their Relevance to Middle Proterozoic Massive-Sulphide Ag-Pb-Zn Deposits, Southeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 0.5 MB)
C.E. Kilby and M.A. Fournier:  Historical Exploration Data Capture Pilot Project, Northwestern British Columbia (PDF document, 3.5 MB)
Oil and Gas Projects
B.J.R. Hayes, S. Macleod and J. Carey.: Characterization of Belloy, Kiskatinaw and Debolt Water Disposal Zones in the Montney Play Area, Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 2.4 MB)
R.M. Bustin, E. Munson, E. Letham and A.M.M. Bustin: Quantification of the Gas- and Liquid-in-Place and Flow Characteristics of Shale and Other Fine-Grained Facies in Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 1.1 MB)
Scholarship Recipients
N.L. Cook and C.J.R. Hart: Carbonate Alteration Footprints of Carbonate-Hosted Zinc-Lead Deposits in Southeastern British Columbia: Applying Carbon and Oxygen Isotopes (PDF document, 2.2 MB)
R.J. D'Souza and D. Canil: Preliminary Results from a Trace-Element Study of Amphibole-Cumulate Rocks from the Bonanza Arc, Vancouver Island, British Columbia (PDF document, 2.2 MB)
D.A.R. Mackay, G.J. Simandl, B. Grcic, C. Li, P. Luck, M. Redfearn and J. Gravel: Evaluation of Mozley C800 Laboratory Mineral Separator for Heavy Mineral Concentration of Stream Sediments in Exploration for Carbonatite-Hosted Specialty Metal Deposits: Case Study at the Aley Carbonatite, Northeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 5.2 MB)
S.W. Mak, E. Eberhardt and J.A. Meech: Assessing Fracture Network Conductivity of Prefeasibility-Level High-Temperature Geothermal Projects using discrete fracture Network Modelling at the Meager Creek site, southwestern British Columbia (PDF document, 2.0 MB)
N. Mostaghimi, L. Kennedy and J. Gabites: Structural Geology of the Granite Lake Pit, Gibraltar Copper-Molybdenum Mine, South-Central British Columbia: Preliminary Observations (PDF document, 8.1 MB)
L.K. Pisiak, D. Canil, C. Grondahl, A. Plouffe, T. Ferbey and R.G. Anderson: Magnetite as a Porphyry Copper Indicator Mineral in Till: A Test using the Mount Polley Porphyry Copper-Gold Deposit, South-Central British Columbia (PDF document, 6.1 MB)
L.M. Theny, H.D. Gibson and J.L. Crowley: Uranium-Lead Age Constraints and Structural Analysis for the Ruddock Creek Zinc-Lead Deposit: Insight into the Tectonic Evolution of the Neoproterozoic Metalliferous Windermere Supergroup, Northern Monashee Mountains, Southern British Columbia (PDF document, 5.7 MB)