Scott Blevings, MSc student, University of British Columbia



I am originally from Vancouver, and graduated from Lord Byng Secondary School in 2001. I then enrolled in a B.Sc. program at UBC in the fall of 2001 and entered geology the following year. Over the next few years I attended UBC during the winter terms and worked in mineral exploration summer jobs in areas including the Finlayson and Howard's Pass Areas in the Yukon performing regional geochemical sampling and claim tagging, and in the Toodoggone District in northern B.C. performing camp construction, geochemical sampling and trenching. I graduated from earth and ocean sciences with full APEGBC geoscientist requirements satisfied in the spring of 2006.

Following graduation, I began a M.Sc. program at UBC under the supervision of Dr. Lori Kennedy and Dr. Ken Hickey in June of 2006. The project is jointly funded by Galore Resources Inc. and Geoscience BC. I spent approximately 2 months in the field during the summer of 2006 performing regional mapping and sampling for my thesis project and will be spending another field season in my project area in 2007. I hope to complete my studies at UBC by the late spring or early summer of 2008


The Taseko Lakes area lies approximately 250km north of Vancouver in southwestern British Columbia. The area straddles the boundary geomorphologic belts of the southeast Coast Belt and the southwest Coast Belt. It has undergone at least three phases of brittle, transpressional deformation, and is dominated by intermediate volcanic, volcaniclastic and clastic sedimentary rocks. Several suspected porphyry and epithermal mineral occurrences in the area are located proximal to the contact of the Coast Plutonic Complex, within the southeast Coast Belt.

The goals of the first phase of this project have been to (1) Characterize the geology and structures of the Taseko Lakes Area, (2) Place age constraints on identified lithologies and faults in the project area. The goals the second phase of research, which will be undertaken during the 2007 field season will be to (1) characterize the alteration and mineralization of three separate mineral occurrences in the area (Pellaire, Taylor-Windfall and Taseko Empress) and (2) determine any genetic relationships between the occurrences, the major faults in the area and the Coast Plutonic Complex.