Release of the Rossland-Trail and Castlegar Map Sheets

Vancouver, BC – December 19, 2024 – Two geological maps for parts of British Columbia’s West Kootenay area are being jointly released by Geoscience BC and the British Columbia Geological Survey. This new information should stimulate interest and new mineral exploration in British Columbia’s Southeast region.

These maps present an updated understanding of the geology of the Rossland-Trail and Castlegar map sheets (NTS and 082F/04 and /05), where significant exploration and mining for gold and critical metals have occurred up to the present day. The historic Rossland mining camp, which is the 2nd largest gold-producing camp in BC, is located in the southern part of the Rossland-Trail map area.

This project builds on previous public geoscience which updated the regional mapping just to the west, in BC’s Boundary and Nicola regions. Targeted fieldwork in key areas that were poorly understood or currently the focus of mineral exploration was undertaken by project lead Trygve Höy. This new information has been compiled in two 1:50,000 scale maps, and digital geology files provided to the BC Geological Survey for incorporation into the BC Digital Geology database.

Geoscience BC Vice President, Minerals Christa Pellett: “Mineral exploration and geological research is continually producing new geoscience information in British Columbia. Updating the regional mapping and geological databases provides an enhanced framework for anyone interested in the geology or mineral potential of the West Kootenays.”


Accessing information

To view the reports and maps, visit the project page.

View project page


About Geoscience BC

Geoscience BC is a not-for-profit society managing and co-funding independent geoscience research in collaboration with members and partners from industries, governments, communities and Indigenous groups in British Columbia. Our public research informs decisions about critical minerals and metals, cleaner energy, carbon management and water.

We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of our partners, including the Province of British Columbia through the Ministries of Energy and Climate Solutions, and Mining and Critical Minerals.

Visit or follow us @GeoscienceBC to find out more.


For more information, please contact:

Virginie Pochard Linage

Geoscience BC