string(9) "[Concept]"

Project Concept: BC Seismic Research Consortium - Phase 2

Strategic Focus Area:  Concept


The BC Seismic Research Consortium was established in 2012 by Geoscience BC, the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) and the BC Energy Regulator (BCER, formerly the BC Oil and Gas Commission (BCOGC)), and works closely with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan).

The Consortium has monitored and reported induced seismicity in Northeast BC for over 10 years.

It continuously collects seismic data and makes it publicly available by managing a network of stations in the Horn River Basin and BC Montney Formation. Annually, the Consortium publishes a report and a detailed record of all seismic events. The current Consortium MOU is due to expire on September 30, 2024, however GBC and Consortium partners are working to extend the MOU.

This Phase 2 Project Concept will install new seismic monitoring stations in Northeast BC with increased focus on the Montney Formation, where most natural gas development is now occurring. It will continue maintenance of the existing network and the current annual reporting process. The resulting publicly available datasets can assist industry, communities and Indigenous groups in better understanding seismic hazards from natural gas activity in the region.

How To Contribute

This is a Project Concept being developed by Geoscience BC with input from our project partners, members and advisory committees. We are seeking project sponsors to contribute funding or other support for on-the-ground research. Organizations that contribute funding to Geoscience BC research projects can secure significant tangible benefits, such as early access to valuable data. In addition, industry contributions help to attract further support and investment from others.

Supporting research projects and sponsoring Geoscience BC initiatives demonstrates that your organization understands the value of independent public geoscience, increases your profile and demonstrates leadership.

If you are interested in contributing, please email Your information will be sent to the most appropriate member of our team. 

The Need

The availability of high quality, public data about seismic activity is important to industry, communities, Indigenous groups and academia in BC’s Northeast region because it helps to understand risk, seismic activity and how to reduce potential future impacts of natural gas development at a time when BC’s natural gas exports (LNG) are forecast to increase. Seismic monitoring was a recommendation in the Province of BC’s 2019 Scientific Review of Hydraulic Fracturing in British Columbia report.

Project Goals

This Energy Project Concept fits under our Strategic Objective of Facilitating Responsible Natural Resource Development. It also works towards the Goal to increase collaboration with Indigenous groups and undertake relevant Geoscience BC research that fosters their socioeconomic development, while also supporting our objectives.

Specifically, this Project Concept aims to: 

  • Monitor seismic events from oil and gas activities in the region.
  • Provide publicly available information that also enables the energy sector and the regulator to continue the safe and responsible development of BC’s natural gas resources.
  • Increase oversight of induced low-magnitude seismic events.

Project Benefits

The annual induced seismicity report provides a detailed review of the previous year’s seismicity. The data from the Northeast BC seismic monitoring stations has been pivotal in Geoscience BC and others generating further research into induced seismicity and induced seismicity mitigation in Northeast BC.

As natural gas activity has moved into the Montney Formation, and natural gas exports are expected to increase with several liquified natural gas (LNG) export terminals coming online, high quality, public data becomes even more valuable to industry, communities, Indigenous groups and academia to understand risk, seismic activity and how to reduce potential future impacts of natural gas activity.


This research is associated with the Montney Formation in BC’s Northeast Region in the territory of BC’s Treaty 8 First Nations.

Geoscience BC encourages anyone planning exploration work to first contact Indigenous groups in the area. The Province of British Columbia’s Consultative Areas Database can help with this ( The Association for Mineral Exploration (AME) also produces an Indigenous Engagement Guidebook