string(10) "[Minerals]"

Georeferencing and Data Capture of 2019-2021 NI 43-101 Reports

Lead Researcher(s):  N. D. Barlow, J. R. Barlow

Project ID:  2021-003

Key Research Organization(s):  Purple Rock Inc.

Project Location:  British Columbia

Strategic Focus Area:  Minerals


The Georeferencing and Data Capture of NI 43-101 Reports in British Columbia project mapped and georeferenced BC-related National Instrument 43-101 Technical Reports (NI 43-101 reports) filed up to September 2019. For the first time, these reports were paired with their locations in an easily searchable format, making the data significantly easier to find and use. This latest project continued this valuable work by georeferencing reports filed between September 2019 and September 2021 and also adds some missing reports from the previous project.

 View Project 2018-029

NI 43-101 reports are geologic assessments submitted to the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA). They are hosted online by the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) on the  System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval (SEDAR), but they cannot be searched by location.

This project has extracted reports for BC locations and has catalogued them so that they can be searched and displayed in Geoscience BC’s Earth Science Viewer and the British Columbia Geological Survey’s (BCGS) MapPlace 2 platforms. Each report has also been reviewed in order to add or update mineral occurrence data in the BCGS MINFILE database.

A report for the initial Georeferencing and Data Capture of NI 43-101 Reports in British Columbia project (Geoscience BC Project 2018-029) is available on the project’s website page. Data from both projects has been combined into one dataset that is available on Geoscience BC’s Earth Science Viewer and on the BC Geological Survey’s MapPlace 2 platform.

      View Earth Science Viewer      View BC Geological Survey’s MapPlace2


View Innovation magazine feature about how georeferencing NI 43-101 reports is making them more accessible.

Research Statement

NI 43-101 reports are comprehensive geologic assessments of prospective mineral properties or deposits prepared to ensure erroneous or misleading information is not published or promoted to investors on stock exchanges overseen by the CSA. Independent qualified persons compile NI 43-101 reports to disclose all known geological work, assessments and findings on prospective mineral and mining properties. NI 43-101 reports are publicly available through SEDAR.

This project has made more NI 43-101 reports easier to find by adding missing and 2019–2021 reports to the metadata and spatial databases from the initial Georeferencing and Data Capture of NI 43-101 Reports in British Columbia project.


Mineral exploration, development projects and operating mines are required to follow specific guidelines for disclosure set out in the NI 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. These regulations outline when an independent qualified person should file an NI 43-101 technical report with a company’s provincial or territorial securities commission.

NI 43-101 reports contain comprehensive scientific and technical overviews of mineral projects including activities such as drilling, sample analyses, mapping, significant findings and more. NI 43-101 reports dating back to 2004 are freely available through SEDAR and can be searched by company name, document type, industry group or filing date. However, currently, SEDAR cannot be searched by location or geologic information.

This project extracted location and mineral inventory information from NI 43-101 reports for BC from 2019 to 2021, as well as sourcing and adding additional data from 2004 to 2019 that was not identified in the previous phase of this work (Project 2018-029). This project has made the data more easily accessible and searchable for users, including geologists, Indigenous groups, governments and academia.


This project fits under Geoscience BC’s Strategic Objective of ‘Advancing Science & Innovative Geoscience Technologies’ and our goal to:

  • Support the preservation and curation of significant geological rock suites, core samples, archived government and museum samples, data and other important materials that form reference or historical records to complement efforts of other organizations.

The specific aims of the project were to:

  • Identify and georeference NI 43-101 technical reports issued between September 2019 and September 2021 in BC and add to the existing dataset;
  • Capture metadata and make publicly available as a geospatial layer; and,
  • Update mineral occurrences for the BCGS’s MINFILE database from the NI 43-101 reports.


Public data that cannot be accessed easily does not get reused and reconsidered by later projects. By making the already public NI 43-101 reports easier to find, it is easier to use as part of new and ongoing mineral exploration work. This makes mineral exploration research more efficient and effective and leads to more informed mineral exploration decisions in BC.

Location Details


What Was Found

In reviewing 14,137 NI 43-101 reports, 1,262 reports related to BC properties between 2004 and 2021 were found. Of these, 62 reports prior to 2019 had been missed during the previous phase of the project (Project 2018-029) and 204 new reports existed between 2019 and 2021. The reports were distributed throughout the province with the biggest concentrations being in areas of active exploration (e.g. the ‘Golden Triangle’ area in BC’s Northwest Region).

These reports have been added to Geoscience BC’s Earth Science Viewer and the British Columbia Geological Survey’s (BCGS) MapPlace2 platform, where users can view the locations and metadata of NI 43-101 reports.

In cross-referencing NI 43-101 reports with MINFILE occurrences, the team identified 1,585 MINFILE records that had to be created (65) or modified (1,520). Combined with the previous project that analyzed data before September 2019, this takes the total number of MINFILE occurrences added or updated to 4,376. The NI 43-101 reports were used to update or rewrite many of these occurrences to provide in-depth exploration histories, including significant sampling results along with geophysical and geochemical anomalies, new or revised zones of mineralization, physical workings including underground development and new or updated mineral resources and/or reserves. The MINFILE occurrence descriptions can be accessed through the MINFILE online portal.

In addition, the project added direct URL links from the location data to all existing technical reports on SEDAR. This was not possible in the past due to limitations of the SEDAR website.
