string(10) "[Minerals]"

A Compilation of Quality Control Data from Geoscience BC RGS Initiatives

Lead Researcher(s):  W. Jackaman

Project ID:  2016-018

Key Research Organization(s):  Noble Exploration Services Ltd.

Project Location:  British Columbia

Strategic Focus Area:  Mineral


This project compiled a single database containing the results of quality control samples analyzed as part of various Geoscience BC regional geochemical survey (RGS) projects. Easy access to this important information improves the reliability of future analysis of this data.


Since 2005, Geoscience BC-supported programs have collected, analyzed and reanalyzed over 58,000 regional geochemical survey (RGS) samples. This includes 50,000 stream sediment, lake sediment and till samples from archives or collected from sites across the province and an estimated 8,000 duplicates, blanks and standards that were analysed to monitor the quality and accuracy of the analysis.

Quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) are processes used to check that laboratories avoid contamination by cleaning the equipment between analyses and produce consistent, repeatable results by adding specific extra samples during analyses. These duplicates, standards and blanks are all part of the RGS QA/QC procedure.

  • Duplicate samples can be two samples collected at the same site or one sample thoroughly mixed and split in two.
  • Standards are samples of known composition.
  • Blanks are any material used to detect potential contamination during sample preparation

In batches of several hundred or several thousand samples at a time, Geoscience BC’s RGS samples have been analyzed for up to 60 elements using different analytical techniques, including instrumental neutron activation (INAA), aqua regia inductively coupled argon plasma mass spectroscopy (AR-ICPMS) and lithium borate fusion-inductively coupled argon plasma emission/mass spectroscopy (LBICPES/MS).

Critical studies of QC data generated from past RGS programs have shown that there can be subtle variations in QC sample results from different surveys, reflecting small differences in analytical methods used by different laboratories.

To reliably compare or merge samples from different surveys or analytical methods, the QC of the analysis needs to be well understood. The uniform database compiled for this project brings together all the QC data from the individual Geoscience BC-supported RGS surveys and sample re-analysis programs and merges the data into a database clearly identifying the survey, sample type, analytical method and laboratory used to generate the data.


  • Final Deliverables

    The report includes QC data for the following Geoscience BC reports:

    Report 2006-04: Regional Drainage Sediment and Water Geochemical Survey Data, Anahim Lake – Nechako River, Central British Columbia (NTS Map Sheets 093C and 093F)
    Report 2006-05: Regional stream sediment and water geochemical data: Golden, Brazeau Lake, Canoe River and Mount Robson, Southeastern British Columbia (NTS 82N, 83C, 83D and 83E)
    Report 2007-06: Regional Drainage Sediment and Water Geochemical Data South Nechako Basin & Cariboo Basin, Central British Columbia (parts of NTS 92N, O, P, 93A & B)
    Report 2008-03: QUEST Project Sample Reanalysis
    Report 2008-05: Regional Lake Sediment and Water Geochemical Data, Northern Fraser Basin, Central BC (parts of NTS 93G, H, J, K, N & O)
    Report 2008-07: Regional Stream Sediment and Water Geochemical Data, Pine Pass (NTS 93O), British Columbia
    Report 2008-11: Regional Stream Sediment and Water Geochemical Data: Terrace & Prince Rupert (NTS 103I & 103J), British Columbia
    Report 2009-05: QUEST-West Project Sample Reanalysis
    Report 2009-11: Regional Drainage Sediment and Water Geochemical Data, Central British Columbia (parts of NTS 93E, F, G, J, K, L, M, N & O)
    Report 2010-04: QUEST-South Project Sample Reanalysis
    Report 2010-13: QUEST-South Regional Geochemical Data, Southern British Columbia
    Report 2011-02: Northern BC Sample Reanalysis Project
    Report 2011-04: Regional Stream Sediment and Water Geochemical Data, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
    Report 2012-05: QUEST-Northwest Sample Reanalysis (ICP-MS)
    Report 2012-06: QUEST-Northwest Sample Reanalysis (INAA)
    Report 2012-07: QUEST-Northwest Regional Geochemical Data, Northwestern British Columbia
    Report 2013-04: Lardeau (NTS 082K) Sample Reanalysis (ICP-MS)
    Report 2013-06: McLeod Lake (NTS 093J) Sample Reanalysis (INAA)
    Report 2013-09: Nelson (NTS 082F) Sample Reanalysis (ICP-MS)
    Report 2013-11: Regional Stream Sediment and Water Geochemical Data, Northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia
    Report 2013-12: Northern Vancouver Island Till Sample Reanalysis (ICP-MS)
    Report 2014-03: Regional Stream Sediment Geochemical Data, Sample Reanalysis (INAA), Northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia
    Report 2014-10: Regional Geochemical and Mineralogical Data, TREK Project, Interior Plateau, British Columbia
    Report 2015-09: Geochemical Reanalysis of Archived Till Samples, TREK Project, Interior Plateau, central BC (parts of NTS 093C, 093B, 093F & 093K)
    Report 2015-12: Regional Geochemical and Mineralogical Data, TREK Project — Year 2, Interior Plateau, British Columbia (parts of NTS 093B, C,F and G)
    Report 2016-05: Reconnaissance Biogeochemical Survey using Spruce-Tops in the West Road (Blackwater) River Area, Fraser Plateau, British Columbia
    Report 2017-04: 2016 Regional Geochemical Survey (RGS) Sample Reanalysis Project