string(10) "[Minerals]"

Nelson - Lardeau Regional Geochemical Survey Reanalysis Project, Kootenays, British Columbia

Lead Researcher(s):  W. Jackaman

Project ID:  2011-018

Key Research Organization(s):  Noble Exploration Services Ltd.

Project Location:  Kootenay

Strategic Focus Area:  Mineral


This region is one of the few original survey areas that has not had existing sample pulps reanalyzed. Utilizing protocols developed by previous Geoscience BC reanalysis initiatives, archived sediment samples were recovered from storage in Ottawa. Although processed pulps have been lost for parts of the study area, a portion of the oversized material is currently stored in 500 ml plastic containers that may contain sufficient -80 mesh material for analysis by ICP-MS.

Ongoing efforts by government-funded agencies to update and maintain the geochemical database established by the British Columbia Regional Geochemical Survey (RGS) and the National Geochemical Reconnaissance programs have produced one of the most comprehensive collections of field information and multi-element analytical data in Canada (Jackaman, 2011; Jackaman and Lett, 2013). The database has benefited from a series of large-scale reanalysis initiatives that have been sponsored by Geoscience BC since 2007. Recognized as a cost-effective means of updating information collected during older government funded regional geochemical surveys, these programs have significantly improved the BC geochemical database by providing a wide range of new analytical information at improved detection levels plus greater data compatibility with analytical methods currently being employed.
