This project was a 15 month study that combines an expert project team and a wide range of techniques to determine and assess the distribution, nature and thickness of Eocene volcanic rocks, and to evaluate the regional Eocene structural regime in the southern Nechako basin of south‐central British Columbia. This project compiles and integrates a wide range of existing geological, geochemical, geophysical, and geochronological datasets on GIS and 3D platforms.
The proposed GIS thickness model combined with interpreted structural and stratigraphic lineaments can be compared with magnetotelluric and seismic 2D profiles to define the structure of the underlying basin and interpret the abrupt changes in the thickness of the overlying Paleocene and Eocene packages. In addition, physical property measurements of mapped lithologies help constrain the geophysical responses of these rocks. The new stratigraphic and structural model proposed for the Eocene volcanic sequence will provide a more robust framework for future mineral and oil & gas exploration in the Nechako region.