string(10) "[Minerals]"

Relationship Between Magmatism/Volcanism, Deformation and Economic Mineralization within Paleozoic Strata in the Terrace-Kitimat Area, British Columbia

Lead Researcher(s):  G. S. Pignotta

Project ID:  2008-027

Key Research Organization(s):  University of Wisconsin

Project Location:  Skeena

Strategic Focus Area:  Mineral


Project Area Economic mineralization in the Terrace‐Kitimat area is concentrated along the intrusive boundary between the eastern margin of the Coast Plutonic Complex (CPC) and supracrustal rocks of Stikinia. Recent regional mapping by the British Columbia Geological Survey indicates that Paleozoic volcanogenic and marine sedimentary strata (Zymoetz Group) host potential Volcanic‐Hosted Massive Sulphide (VHMS) mineralization (Nelson et al., 2008a; McKeown et al, 2008). This newly discovered VHMS potential is believed to be analogous to other VHMS deposits found in Stikinia (e.g., the Tulsequah Chief deposit) that are characterized by massive sulphide lenses, disseminated sulphides and syngenetic alteration of felsic volcanics to quartz‐sericite schist.

The primary objective of this project is structural analysis, geochemical characterization and economic mineral assessment of several exposures of Zymoetz Group rocks. This will be accomplished through:

  1. Detailed mapping (1:20,000 or greater) of known and suspected exposures of the Zymoetz Group;
  2. Comprehensive stratigraphic analysis of the volcanic strata within the Zymoetz Group, focusing on the distribution of potential VHMS host horizons;
  3. Detailed geochemical analysis of the volcanic strata, focusing on lateral and vertical variations in geochemistry, and its relation to potential VHMS mineralization;
  4. Mineral assays of VHMS deposits in volcanic strata and intrusion related deposits;
  5. Geochronologic analysis of the volcanic strata and cross‐cutting intrusive rocks designed to constrain the age of VHMS mineralization; and
  6. Comprehensive structural analysis of Zymoetz Group strata and potential VHMS horizons with particular attention paid to the distribution and structural character of quartz‐sericite schist bodies.

These analyses will constrain the nature and timing of economic mineralization within these rocks, and assess the regional economic potential in the Terrace‐Kitimat area.