string(10) "[Minerals]"

Structural, Geochrological and Isotopic Investigations of Orogenic Gold Deposits in the Cariboo Gold District, East-Central British Columbia

Lead Researcher(s):  J. K. Mortensen

Project ID:  2007-016

Key Research Organization(s):  University of British Columbia

Project Location:  Cariboo

Strategic Focus Area:  Mineral


The Cariboo Gold District (CGD) in east-central British Columbia contains lode gold occurrences of several different styles. Project AreaOrogenic-style veins and gold-bearing sulphide mantos occur within medium grade metasedimentary units of the Barkerville terrane in the historic Wells-Barkerville camp, and orogenic veins and stratabound sediment-hosted disseminated gold deposits are hosted by phyllitic carbonaceous metaclastic rocks of the structurally higher Quesnel terrane at the Spanish Mountain and Frasergold deposits.

We undertook a one-year study of all of these styles of gold in the CGD, including a compilation and synthesis of all published and unpublished information that is currently available, as well as reconnaissance level structural studies and sampling for geochronological and Pb isotopic investigations of the age(s) and source(s) of metals for the various styles of lode mineralization. This work brings together all available information on lode gold in the CGD, and will form the framework on which to build subsequent, more detailed studies.

This project is supported through funding from Geoscience BC, International Wayside Gold Mines, Skygold Ventures and Hawthorne Gold Corp.

