Paulina Wozniakowska, PhD Student, University of Calgary


Paulina is working on her PhD in Geophysics with Prof. Eaton at the University of Calgary. She received her MSc (2016) and BSc (2015) in Applied Geophysics at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland. Paulina’s current research focuses on applications of machine learning in induced seismicity analysis. Before returning to academia, she worked in the Czech Republic as a junior analyst at a company specializing in microseismic monitoring of hydraulic-fracturing operations in USA and Canada. Paulina has also completed internships in Poland and Slovakia, in the areas of mining seismology and environmental geophysics. She was a board member of the SEG Student Chapter in Krakow, and currently, is a President of the CSEG/EAGE/SEG Student Chapter in Calgary. In her spare time, Paulina enjoys practicing yoga and playing board games.

Project: Tool for Determination of Factors Controlling Geological Susceptibility to Induced Seismicity in the Montney Formation

This project aims to develop a tool for seismic potential assessment within the Montney formation using machine learning approach. The research will incorporate state-of-the-art technology into complex geological analysis and prediction of induced seismicity potential in one of the world’s biggest unconventional hydrocarbon reservoirs. Emphasis will be put on the determination of seismogenic potential with respect to the strong discrepancy between the seismicity rates in particular oil and gas fields in British Columbia and Alberta. Overall goal is to provide the innovative method using geoscientific knowledge and technological advancements to better understand the mechanisms of induced seismicity. Using machine learning algorithm, areas with the greatest seismogenic potential will be determined. Such information will help to improve the current seismic risk-mitigation strategies, allowing for a better control over high magnitude events induced by oil and gas operations.

View Paulina’s 2020 Scholarship Page

