Pascal Voegeli, MSc Student, University of Alberta


Pascal Voegeli is a Masters student currently attending the University of Alberta. His area of research is focused on mineral exploration in North Central British Columbia. He was born and raised in rural Alberta and currently resides in Edmonton. His research interests are focused on ore deposits and he hopes to apply the knowledge and skillsets gained from his Masters to different projects throughout Canada and the world.

Project: Exploration Implications of Contrasting Geochemistry and Mineralogy in the Lawyers Property, Toodoggone District, British Columbia, Canada

The Toodoggone district in north-central British Colombia hosts a series of intermediate intrusions associated with epithermal and porphyry deposits. The Lawyers Property within the Toodoggone district hosts a well-known, extensively explored low sulfidation style epithermal deposit. To the west of the low sulfidation prospects lies a poorly understood exploration area known as Silver Pond. The Silver Pond prospect is characterized by the presence of a large argillic alteration lithocap, with a high degree of leaching and texturally destructive clay alteration of the intermediate volcanic host rocks. The style of alteration in Silver Pond is significantly different from the low sulfidation targets and more closely resembles a high sulfidation system. The Silver Pond clay mineralogy and geochemistry suggest that there may be potential for a magmatic metal source and an underlying porphyry system. This research project aims to apply SWIR, petrography and geochemical analysis to generate an applied exploration strategy.