Montney Water Project Update - Publicly Available Data

June 16, 2011 -Geoscience BC, in partnership with seven natural gas producers, the Government of British Columbia and the Science and Community Environmental Knowledge (SCEK) Fund, is pleased to provide an update on work completed to-date as part of the collaborative Montney Water Project.

A table listing the data sets and reports that are publicly available from the Montney Water Project is included below, including information and research generated by the Ministry of Energy and Mines, and the Ministry of Environment.

Additional Montney Water Project reports and results will be published during the summer and fall. Present plans are to have the final reports published before the end of 2011.

The Montney Water Project is supported with funding from Geoscience BC, the SCEK Fund and seven natural gas producers operating in the area - ARC Resources Ltd., ConocoPhillips Canada, Devon Canada Corporation, Encana Corporation, Progress Energy, Shell Canada, and Talisman Energy.

In addition, Geoscience BC is working collaboratively with a number of government departments and agencies, who are making significant in-kind contributions to the project, including: Ministry of Energy, Mines, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Health, Oil and Gas Commission, Northern Health Authority, as well as the University of Northern British Columbia and the City of Dawson Creek.

For more information on the Montney Water Project, go to

Montney Water Project: Publicly Available Data

Lead Organization Description Access Location

Compilation of Geological Survey of Canada surficial geology maps for NTS 94A and 93P by A.S. Hickin (BC MEM) and M.A. Fournier (MAF Geographix)

Geoscience BC BC Ministry of Energy and Mines BC Ministry of Environment

Geoscience BC

Geoscience BC is an industry-led, industry-focused not-for-profit society. Its mandate includes the collection, interpretation and marketing of geoscience data and expertise to promote investment in resource exploration and development in British Columbia. Geoscience BC is funded through grants from the Provincial Government and works in partnership with industry, academia, government, First Nations and communities to attract mineral and oil & gas investment to BC.