Geoscience BC and the Island Coastal Economic Trust (ICET) partnered in 2012 to fund the Northern Vancouver Island (NVI) Exploration Geoscience Project. Geoscience BC's Board approved $530,000 for project activities, which was matched by $400,000 from ICET for a total project budget of $930,000. In addition, the Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Innovation provided generous support for stakeholder engagement in the project development phase, through the Campbell River Regional Economic Pilot initiative.
The NVI Exploration Geoscience Project generated new geoscience data for northern Vancouver Island near the communities of Campbell River, Port Hardy, Port McNeill, Alert Bay, Port Alice and Zeballos. This new regional information will help attract mineral exploration interest and investment, increase the understanding of the mineral potential, and provide local First Nations and communities with more information on the geology of the region.
The project activities included an airborne magnetic survey and a stream sediment geochemical sampling and till reanalysis program. All of these programs were undertaken in the summer and fall of 2012. Results of the high-resolution heliborne magnetic survey were released in January 2013 and the results of the geochemical programs were released on May 28, 2013. A formal data release and networking event, which included technical presentations, was held in Campbell River the same day as the digital release. In addition, the project also supported two community awareness sessions on geoscience, mineral exploration and mining in 2012.