Jean-Francois Gagnon, PhD student, University of Alberta


Jean-François his currently working on his Ph.D. thesis at the University of Alberta under the supervision of Dr John Waldron. Immediately after receiving his Bachelors in Environmental Geology from the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) in 2005, he started a M.Sc. project in Geology at the University of Alberta. He then successfully transferred to a Ph.D. level in the summer of 2006. His research interests include structural geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy and basin analysis. He was also involved in a Quaternary mapping project with the Geological Survey of Canada near Baker Lake Nunavut in 2004.


My project consists of understanding the tectonic setting that led to the generation of the Bowser Basin during an episode of terrane accretion in the middle Jurassic. Detailed measured sections that document the change from a volcanic dominated environment to a subsiding sedimentary basin will allow me to evaluate the timing and nature of subsidence and discriminate between different basin forming mechanisms.

This step is critical in order to assess the petroleum potential of the Bowser Basin correctly. Further basin modelling exercises will be conducted by incorporating maturation data and reservoir properties to investigate the timing of maximum burial and tectonic uplift. The calibrated model will put significant constraints on the timing of generation-migration and accumulation of hydrocarbons in the basin. The aim of this research is to provide fundamental inputs for modelling the subsidence and thermal history of the Bowser Basin, aimed at improving understanding of basin development and basin evolution.
