Invitation to Quote: Critical Minerals & Metals in British Columbia Mine Tailings & Waste Rock Phase 1

Vancouver, BC - April 4, 2024 - A Geoscience BC Invitation to Quote (ITQ) has been issued today for Phase 1 of the Critical Minerals & Metals in British Columbia Mine Tailings & Waste Rock program. 

Phase 1 of the program focuses on compiling information related to legacy and operating sites across BC and presenting it in a digital user-friendly dataset. Targeted information will include, but is not limited to, abandoned and operating mine sites, tailings and waste rock facilities, deposit type, geology, alteration, geochemistry, metallurgy, mineralogy and known infrastructure. 

The Critical Minerals & Metals in British Columbia Mine Tailings & Waste Rock program will identify and test tailings and waste rock to discover if there are economic opportunities to extract further value from these mining by-products while addressing potential environmental liabilities in British Columbia. It is closely aligned with provincial and federal critical minerals objectives. 


How to submit a quote 

  • Read the guidelines in 'ITQ 2024-01 Critical Minerals & Metals in British Columbia Mine Tailings & Waste Rock Phase 1' (see below). 
  • Learn more on the Geoscience BC project page: 
  • Notify Geoscience BC Manager, Minerals, Brady Clift ( that you intend to submit a Quote. Brady will be coordinating the ITQ. This will ensure you receive any updates, such as responses to questions. 
  • Monitor this page for updates and responses to questions posted below. 
  • Submit your quote and supporting documents by April 19, 2024 at 12pm Pacific. 
  • Note: the Geoscience BC team will be attending the KEG Conference in Kamloops from April 9 and 10, 2024 and will be available to provide more information. 



Question 1:

The ITQ says "From this, the successful proponent will develop and deliver a comprehensive GIS database and an accompanying report that can be utilized to identify priority sites for various scoping and technical investigations in later phases of this program." Does this mean that Geoscience BC intends that the results of this project to be presented on a platform separate to the Earth Science Viewer?  Or is Geoscience BC looking for geospatial database files to integrate into the Earth Science Viewer?

Answer 1:

We do intend to display this data on our Earth Science Viewer and provide the data as a downloadable database that other can integrate with their GIS solutions. We are also open to hearing about potential alternatives should someone or some group think there might be a better way to display the data. In the end the results will be on the ESV but there may be an opportunity to have it hosted somewhere else too. Also, we would require a report to go with the data to outline the process and data sources so that users have a more fulsome view of the results.

Question 2:

Does Geoscience BC divide the province into regions?

Answer 2:

Yes, Geoscience BC uses Mining Regions. A shapefile of the mining regions can be accessed here.

Question 3:

Is the title page included in the 10-page limit?

Answer 3:

No, feel free to use 10 pages to describe your proposal with an additional page for the title page.

Question 4:

Are letters of support recommended? Are letters of support intended to pertain to our ability to carry out similar projects?

Answer 4:

Yes, letters of support are strongly recommended. Letters of support could either confirm additional resources (in-kind support or financial support) that your proposal would bring to the project from an outside source and/or highlight your ability to carry out similar projects.

