Hutchison Medal Lecture Tour in Vancouver October 11
October 5, 2007 - Geoscience BC is pleased to be a sponsor the 2007-2008 GAC Hutchison Medal Lecture in Vancouver. The W.W. Hutchison Medal is awarded to a young individual by the Geological Association of Canada for recent exceptional advances in Canadian earth science research. This year, the winner of the Hutchison Medal is Dr. Jeremy Richards of the University of Alberta.Please join us at SFU Harbour Center at 4 pm on October 11 for Dr. Richards's talk on "Alkalic-type Epithermal Gold Deposits."
W.W. Hutchison Medal Lecture Tour
Dr. Jeremy Richards, University of Alberta
"Alkalic-type Epithermal Gold Deposits"
Thursday, October 11, 2007
4 pm
Earl & Jennie Lohn Policy Room
SFU Harbour Center
(515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver)
Refreshments will be provided
Alkalic-type Epithermal Gold Deposits
Alkalic-type epithermal gold deposits are a subset of the low sulfidation epithermal category associated with alkalic igneous rocks in broadly convergent margin settings. Unlike normal porphyry and epithermal deposits associated with arc-related calc-alkaline magmatism, alkalic-type deposits are associated with trachytic magmas formed either in back-arc or post-subduction tectonic environments, including collisional orogens. Mineralogically, alkalic-type gold deposits commonly include telluride minerals as well as native Au, and alteration minerals may include fluorite and roscoelite in addition to adularia, sericite, carbonate, and quartz. Several examples including the world-class Porgera (PNG) and Cripple Creek (Colorado) deposits contain bonanza ore grades, and are important exploration targets.