Geoscience BC Support Warms Up Kootenay Lake Area Geothermal Potential

Vancouver, BC – February 21, 2023 – Research results published by Geoscience BC help to zone in on geothermal potential in the Kootenay Lake area of British Columbia’s Southeast Region.

The results bring scientific back-up to previously held views that the area east of Kootenay Lake may be a potential geothermal resource. Following fieldwork in summer 2022, and laboratory analysis funded by Geoscience BC, researchers examined geological, geochemical and geospatial data to help ascertain geothermal potential and to identify target areas for test drilling as part of a potential future phase of research.

The area is associated with hot springs, and deep-seated faults that may bring geothermal fluids up from deep below the surface. The area around these features were the focus of this study, with bedrock structures measured, surface waters sampled, and drone-based remote sensing conducted.

Results have identified the Crawford Creek hot spring and valley, adjacent to the Orebin Creek Fault, as the most viable area for further study to model potential flow rates of the subsurface geothermal reservoir.

By sharing this information with industry, regulators, communities in the Kootenay Lake area and Indigenous groups, it can be used toward advancing a potential local, clean source of heat or energy.

Geoscience BC Manager, Energy and Water, Randy Hughes said: “Analyzing the data acquired by fieldwork and the Geoscience BC funded laboratory analysis was an essential step toward developing a geothermal model for the area. Only through this research can areas be effectively prioritized.”

The project was also funded by the Regional District of Central Kootenay, Colleges and Institutes Canada and Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada – NSERC.


Accessing information

To view the reports and maps, visit the project page or view the information on Geoscience BC's Earth Science Viewer online mapping application.

View project page          View project in Earth Science Viewer


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For more information, please contact:

Richard Truman

Geoscience BC

604-662-4147 / 778-929-1662