Geoscience BC Scholarship Recipients: Webinar Series with the Canadian Society for Unconventional Resources

Vancouver, BC – September 16, 2020 – Geoscience BC and The Canadian Society for Unconventional Resources (CSUR) will be jointly hosting two webinars in September and October to highlight the research of four Geoscience BC scholarship recipients.

The first webinar will feature a presentation by two students and will highlight their research on induced seismicity. The webinar is open to CSUR members and all other interested parties and will include an opportunity to ask questions to the students.

When:  September 25, 2020 from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm MST (10:00 am to 11:00 am PST)

Presenter: Paulina Wozniakowska, PhD Student in Geophysics - University of Calgary
Presentation: Investigation of Seismogenic Activation Potential in Montney Using Supervised Machine Learning

Presenter: Ali Mehrabifard, PhD Student in Geological Engineering - University of British Columbia
Presentation: Injected Induced Seismicity: What We Think We Know!

Registration is now open and is mandatory. Please register by September 24th by 3:00 pm MST (2:00 pm PST).

Register here

The second webinar is scheduled for October 20th and details will be announced on the CSUR website in the upcoming weeks.

About Geoscience BC
Geoscience BC generates independent, public geoscience research and data about British Columbia’s minerals, energy and water resources. This advances knowledge, informs responsible development, encourages investment and stimulates innovation.

Our collaboration with the resource sectors, academia, communities, Indigenous groups and government develops and shares unbiased and credible earth science research and data.

Geoscience BC is a not for profit society incorporated under the BC Societies Act.

Visit or follow us @GeoscienceBC to find out more.

For more information, please contact:
Richard Truman
Geoscience BC