Geoscience BC Releases Two Additional Reports to Close Out 2013: QUEST-Area Drift Prospecting and Water Resource Management in the Montney Area

December 20, 2013 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of the following two reports:

  • Report 2013-15: Drift Prospecting for Porphyry Copper-Gold, Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Mineralization and Precious and Base Metal Veins within the QUEST Project Area, Central British Columbia (NTS 093J)
  • Report 2013-19: Examining Present and Future Water Resources for the Kiskatinaw River Watershed, British Columbia

Both reports are now available for download through Geoscience BC's website at

Brief descriptions of each report are provided below.

Geoscience BC Report 2013-15: Drift Prospecting for Porphyry Copper-Gold, Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Mineralization and Precious and Base Metal Veins within the QUEST Project Area, Central British Columbia (NTS 093J)

Regional-scale till sampling followed by detailed surveys around samples with elevated or anomalous values were carried out to assess the mineral potential, specifically targeting Cu-Au porphyry and volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) mineralization. Till is the preferred sampling medium for geochemical and mineralogical surveys in glaciated terrain such as in the QUEST area, because it is considered a first derivative of bedrock and has been shown to aid in identifying potentially mineralized bedrock units covered by thick glacial deposits. Along with the analytical data, this report describes these till sampling surveys and graphically displays the results from detailed aqua-regia ICP-MS and INAA analyses to help vector exploration efforts.

For more information on this project, go to

Geoscience BC Report 2013-19:Examining Present and Future Water Resources for the Kiskatinaw River Watershed, British Columbia

Geoscience BC Report 2013-19 is a collection of interrelated post-graduate research projects undertaken at the University of Northern British Columbia (UNBC) as part of the Kiskatinaw Watershed Research Project. This project was incorporated into Geoscience BC's Montney Water Project because of the importance of the Kiskatinaw River Watershed (KRW) as a water source for natural gas development and the requirement for a better understanding of the water availability and quality in the region to effectively balance the needs of industrial water users with local water users.

For more information on this project, go to

Geoscience BC

Geoscience BC is an industry-led, industry-focused not-for-profit society. Its mandate includes the collection, interpretation and distribution of geoscience data and expertise to promote investment in resource exploration and development in British Columbia. Geoscience BC is funded through grants from the Provincial Government and works in partnership with industry, academia, government, First Nations and communities to attract mineral and oil & gas investment to BC.

We'd like to take this opportunity to wish you and yours a happy and safe holiday season and we look forward to delivering new data to you in the New Year!

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