Geoscience BC Releases Reports 2011-5 and 2011-9
April 18, 2011 - Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of the following two reports:
- Report 2011-5 "Catchment analysis and interpretation of stream sediment data from QUEST-South, British Columbia" by D.C. Arne and E.B. Bluemel of ioGlobal Solutions Inc., and
- Report 2011-9 "Till geochemistry of the Colleymount map area (093L/01), west-central British Columbia" by T. Ferbey of the BC Geological Survey.
Both reports are now available for download through Geoscience BC's website at
About Report 2011-5
Catchment analysis and interpretation of geochemical data have been undertaken for 9041 stream sediment samples from the QUEST-South project area of southern British Columbia. The geochemical data consist of new analyses for 8536 archived regional geochemical samples (RGS) that were previously re-analyzed by Geoscience BC (Report 2010-4) using modern analytical methods and 785 new stream sediment samples collected to augment the existing RGS samples (Report 2010-13).
A range of digital products accompany this report. These include a spreadsheet containing the compiled stream sediment data, catchment areas and dominant bedrock type; GIS files showing sample locations and catchments; a series of gridded geoTIFF images for raw, levelled and residual data for most elements; gridded pathfinder associations for a number of common mineral deposit types (orogenic Au, epithermal Au, base metals and porphyry Cu deposits) as geoTIFF and pdf maps; and RGB thematic maps for these pathfinder associates. The levelled and residual data provide new insights into the regional stream sediment geochemical data, and reveal subtle trends and areas of elevated metal concentration that may warrant follow-up investigation. For more information on this project, go to
About Report 2011-9
The silt plus clay-sized fraction of 84 basal till samples collected within the Colleymount map area (093L/01), located approximately 40 km southeast of Houston, BC, was analyzed for 37 elements by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), following an aqua regia digestion, and 35 elements by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). An additional 18 basal till samples were collected for analysis of heavy metal concentrates and gold grain counts. The spatial distribution of till samples elevated in Cu, Mo, Pb, Zn, Ag, Hg, Au, As, Sb, and visible gold grains are the focus of this study. Detrital dispersal of commodity metals and pathfinder elements from known sources of mineralization is discussed (e.g., past producing Equity Silver mine) as are areas of geochemical interest. For more information on this project go to
Geoscience BC
Geoscience BC is an industry-led, industry-focused not-for-profit society. Its mandate includes the collection, interpretation and marketing of geoscience data and expertise to promote investment in resource exploration and development in British Columbia. Geoscience BC is funded through grants from the Provincial Government and works in partnership with industry, academia, government, First Nations and communities to attract mineral and oil & gas investment to BC.