Geoscience BC at Resources for Generations (RFG)

June 18, 2018 - Resources for Future Generations (RFG) is a great place to see and hear about Geoscience BC's public geoscience. More than 25 talks across minerals, energy and water relate to research funded by Geoscience BC.

Geoscience BC is also demonstrating some of its research at the GHGMap emissions mapping project at RFG's Meeting Hub. You can find us just inside the doors into the hall.

Here is a full listing of the talks:

Monday June 18th

11:15 - Room 109 MIN28: Responses of the Soil Microbial Community to Weathering of Ore Minerals Rachel Simister, Bianca Lulianella-Phillips, Peter Winterburn and Crowe Sean - University of British Columbia Project: 2016-025

11:30 - Room 109 MIN28: Molecular Biology in Mineral Exploration Bianca Patrizia Iulianella Phillips, Rachel Simister, Peter Winterburn and Sean Crowe - University of British Columbia Project: 2016-025 and Scholarship 2018

11:30 - Room 116 MIN50: Mineral Prospectivity Modeling and Assessment of Undiscovered Mineral Resources I -- Processing Regional Stream Sediment Data for Mineral Exploration Targeting Dennis Arne Project: 2016-028

13:30 - Room 109 MIN28: Micro to Macro-Biogeochemistry: Exploration, Processing, remediation and Environment - Halogens as possible pathfinders to blind mineralization: examples from Lara and Mount Washington on Vancouver Island Dave Heberlein and Colin Dunn Project: 2016-007

14:30 - Room 116 MIN25: KEYNOTE: Exploration Case Studies; Out of the Box Concepts, Methodologies and Practices -- Rapid field hydrogeochemistry part II: focus on mineral exploration methodology- results and lessons from two surveys in southern BC 2015-2017 Ron Yehia, Ray Lett and Dave Heberlein Project: 2016-008

16:15 - Room 111 MIN26: Towards Big Data: Applications of Data Analytics in Geochemistry I - Adding value to regional till geochemical data in central BC through exploratory data analysis Britt Bluemel Project: 2016-037

16:30 - Room 116 MIN25: Exploration case studies -- Out of the box concepts, methodologies and practices II - Sweat, sap and emanations -- what trees and snow can reveal about hidden mineralization Dave Heberlein and Colin Dunn Project: 2016-007

16:00 - Room 111 MIN26: Towards Big Data: Applications of Data Analytics in Geochemistry I (AAG: 28th IAGS) entitled: 1133 - Metrics and Methods for Predictive Geologic Mapping and Mineral Systems from Geochemical Survey Data Eric Grunsky NOTE: This lecture will use new data from a Geoscience BC's project using machine learning to analyse sediment samples to locate mineralization:

16:45 - Room 110 MIN8: Bridging the Discovery Gap - Providing the Exploration Industry More Effective Area Selection Tools -Geoscience BC's TREK and Search Projects: modern data that inspires exploration and informs planning Bruce Madu, Gesocience BC Project: TREK and Search


11:15 - Room 206 WA11: KEYNOTE - Subsurface Fugitive Gas in Groundwater: Recent Advances in Understanding from Controlled Release Investigations Dr. Aaron Cahill - University of British Columbia Project: 2016-043

Tuesday June 19th

11:45 - Room 115 MIN9: IKE Copper-Molybdenum-Silver Porphyry Deposit: Fluid-rock Interactions associated with Vein Alteration Halos Megan Binner and Dan Marshall - Simon Fraser University; Michael Galicki and Mark Rebagliati - Amarc Resources Ltd.; Brock Riedell - Riedell Exploration Ltd. Project: Scholarship 2018

14:15 - Room 203 EA30: A link between tectonic escape and Late Cretaceous porphyry mineralization in British Columbia Joel James Angen and Craig J.R. Hart - University of British Columbia Project: 2016-038

16:45 - Room 207 WA14: Hydrogeochemistry: Environment and Exploration III- Rapid field hydrogeochemistry part I: reliability, methods and sectors potential -- lessons from southern BC 2011-2017 Ron Yehia, Ray Lett and Dave Heberlein Project: 2016-008


14:15 - Room 206 WA5: Groundwater and Surface Water Sustainability for People and the Environment I -- Interest based regional groundwater mapping in NE BC: The Peace Project Carlos Salas, Geoscience BC Peace Project

14:30 - Room 207 WA14: Investigating the Geochemistry of Selenium in the Residual from Biologically Treated Mine-Impacted Waters Laura Volden, Dirk Kirste and Robert Gordon - Simon Fraser University; Mario Bianchin--Wood PLC Project: Scholarship 2017

Wednesday June 20th

09:45 - Room 117 MIN17: Structural controls on gold in progressively deformed host rocks: examples from Phanerozoic orogenic gold districts of the Canadian Cordillera Murray Allan - University of British Columbia; David Rhys - Panterra Geoservices; James Mortensen and Craig Hart - University of British Columbia Project: 2016-010

11:30 - Room 110 MIN51: Apatite and Titanite Characteristics of Porphyry Fertile Plutons Farhad Bouzari and Craig Hart; Thomas Bissig - Goldcorp Inc.; Guillaume Lesage - University of British Columbia Project: 2014-015

14:45 - Room 114 MIN48: Organic geochemistry: a pathfinder in copper porphyry exploration Pearce Michael Luck, Rachel Chouinard, Shane Rich and Peter Winterburn - University of British Columbia Project: Scholarship 2018


15:30 - Room 122 EN11: Geothermal energy in the 21st century: Geothermal evaluations of BC: Direct use applications Cathie Hickson Project: 2015-022


08:30 - Room 206 WA8: Hydrogeology of northeastern BC, Canada in the Context of Risks Posed to Groundwater Resources by Energy Resource Development Derived Fugitive Gas Jessie Chao, Aaron Cahill and Roger Beckie - University of British Columbia Project: 2016-043

9:00 - Room 206 WA8: Informing research directions toward understanding risks of gas migration at oil and gas wells Laurie Welch and Aaron Cahill Project: 2017-002

11:15 - Room 206 WA8: Simulating Wastewater Plume Migration in a Deep Geological Formation in Northeast British Columbia Matthew Simons and Diana M. Allen - Simon Fraser University; Laurie A. Welch - BC Oil and Gas Commission; Dirk Kirste - Simon Fraser University Project: Scholarship 2017

Thursday June 21st

09:00 - Room 109 The relationship of mercury in till to regional fault structures in the Interior Plateau, Central British Columbia, Canada Ray E. Lett - Geochemist; Karin Öberg -- Consultant Projects: multiple

14:15 - Room 116 MIN62: Stabilizing mine waste and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by targeting labile magnesium in tailings for accelerated carbon mineralization Sterling Vanderzee; Greg Dipple - University of British Columbia; Ian Power -- Trent University; Peter Bradshaw - FPX Nickel Corp. Project: Scholarship 2017, 2018

14:30 - Room 109 MIN24: A novel sediment transport modelling and multivariate approach to interpreting regional geochemical anomalies in central BC Dave Sacco, Ray Lett and Wayne Jackaman Project: 2016-019


Poster 1847: Mt Meager Volcanic Complex, BC - Towards a Comprehensive Geohazard Map

Rachel Warwick, Glyn Williams-Jones and Jeff Witter - Simon Fraser University Melanie Kelman - Natural Resources Canada

Project: Scholarship 2018

About Geoscience BC

Geoscience BC is an independent, non-profit organization that generates earth science information in collaboration with First Nations, local communities, governments, academia and the resource sector. Our independent earth science enables informed resource management decisions. You can view a copy of the Geoscience BC Strategic Plan 2018-2022 here. Geoscience BC gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Province of British Columbia.