Gaby completed her B.Sc. degree in Earth Sciences, with a specialization in geology, at Simon Fraser University in 2019. During her undergraduate studies, she gained summer experience working at a gold exploration camp in southwestern Nunavut, and mapping with the British Columbia Geological Survey (BCGS) for two summers in the mountains of north-central BC. Her experiences with the BCGS led to a directed studies project in her final year at SFU, on hornblendites in the Hogem batholith, and her current M.Sc. thesis at University of Alberta. At the University of Alberta, Gaby is studying the petrogenesis of the Hogem batholith under the supervision of Dr. Graham Pearson, and is a trainee of the Diamond Exploration Research Training School (DERTS).
Project: Implications of In-Situ U-Pb, Lu-Hf, Sm-Nd, δ18O, and Trace Element Geochemistry of Accessory Mineral Phases on the Petrogenetic History of the Northern Hogem Batholith, Quesnel Terrane, North-Central British Columbia
Mesozoic batholiths of the Quesnel and Stikine terranes, British Columbia, are the main hosts of porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposits in the province. The Hogem batholith, located in northern Quesnel terrane, hosts Cu±Au,Mo mineralization, including the Lorraine and Kwanika Cu-Au deposits. Hogem is comprised of both mafic to felsic alkaline and calc-alkaline intrusive rocks that were emplaced over a prolonged time-period (>60 Ma), the result of a complex petrogenetic history. Gaby’s thesis will address the poor constraints on the geochronology and petrogenesis of the Hogem batholith. In situ accessory mineral isotope and trace element data will be used to estimate emplacement ages and give insight to the nature and antiquity of the batholith, with an aim to provide a petrogenetic model for this complex porphyry-forming environment.