From a young age I had a very keen interest in geology and spent many days scouring the hillsides and spoil heaps of Scotland for fascinating mineral specimens. This interest grew and in 2006 I started an undergraduate degree at the University of Glasgow, graduating in 2010 with a BSc Honours in Geology. During the summer of 2009, I worked as a research assistant in the Hunterian Museum in Glasgow. This involved the curation and photomicrography of the Alex Herriot thin section collection. With a strong background in petrography and desire to continue with research in this field, I decided to continue my education with graduate studies. In September of 2010 I started a field based exploration and petrography based PhD at the University of Calgary, under the supervision of Dr. David Pattison.
Project: Tectonothermal History of the Southern Kootenay Arc and Purcell Anticlinorium, Southeastern British Columbia
My project is examining aspects of metamorphism, structure, geochronology, tectonics and mineralization within a region of southeastern British Columbia, bounded by the communities of Creston, Salmo and Nelson. The geological complexity of this region derives from several phases of deformation, metamorphism and voluminous granitoid intrusion, ranging in age from Jurassic to Eocene, all related to Cordilleran orogenesis. This geological diversity has resulted in a particularly wide variety of ore deposits, many of which are metamorphosed. The unusual rock compositions developed during mineralization have led to unusual metamorphic mineral assemblages that may be used as indicators to mineralization. Therefore, the aim of this project is to determine the burial-heating-intrusion history of the area, which will constrain the spatial controls, character, genesis and timing of mineral deposits in this region, with implications for improved exploration strategies.