Chelsea Fefchak, MSc student, University of Alberta


I was born in Calgary, and raised in Brooks, Alberta. I graduated high school in 2004. The following fall I entered the University of Calgary’s Geology Program. In my second year of undergraduate studies I had the opportunity to specialize in a petroleum concentration. I graduated with a Bsc. Geology in Spring of 2008, and entered into the Msc. Program at the Univeristy of Alberta in the Fall of 2008, under the supervision of John-Paul Zonneveld. My research group is the Ichnology Research Group. Currently I am working on collecting data for my thesis, which includes field work in Northern British Columbia. I live with my sister Kirsten and enjoy snowboarding, friends, and being outside. After completion of my Master’s degree I hope to enter the petroleum industry.


The unique Charlie Lake formation, found predominately in British Columbia, is a relatively understudied formation with significant hydrocarbon potential. Although several reservoir types exist within the Charlie Lake, the unique aeolian sand bodies make for a particularly interesting petroleum reservoir. The nature, distribution, and predominance of these likely petroleum bearing sands has yet to be fully explained and modeled. For my thesis I will focus on outlining the stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Charlie Lake, including a detailed facies analysis of the formation in both outcrop and core. Finally I will explore the petroleum implications of my findings.
