BCGeoMap QUEST Area Update: Joint Technical Poster Presented at KEG

April 7, 2009- The British Columbia Geological Survey, Geoscience BC and Natural Resources Canada's Geological Survey of Canada have collaborated to update the BCGeoMap (the Province's digital geology map) in central BC. The update area corresponds to Geoscience BC's QUEST Project geophysical survey footprint, which extends from Williams Lake to Mackenzie (an area larger than Vancouver Island).

Geological, geophysical and geochemical experts from the three organizations incorporated geophysical and geochemical data from Geoscience BC's QUEST Project, geophysical data from Natural Resources Canada and recent bedrock mapping by the British Columbia Geological Survey to revise the geological map. The BCGeoMap QUEST Area update focuses on the volcanic and intrusive rocks of the Quesnel Terrane in central British Columbia. This terrane is prospective for copper and gold deposits but covered by glacial deposits in the center of the update area. The new data is helping geologists understand and re-interpret the covered bedrock geology, which will be of great benefit to the mineral exploration community working in the region.

An introduction to this update will be presented as a joint technical poster at Kamloops Exploration Group Conference, April 7-8, Kamloops BC. The update team will continue to work on the revised map, which when complete will be seamlessly incorporated into the bedrock geology layer on MapPlace (

The preliminary update (KEG Poster) can be viewed here:

About BCGeoMap

The BCGeoMap is British Columbia's online digital geology map, maintained by the British Columbia Geological Survey. The map was originally compiled from geological maps by British Columbia Geological Survey, Natural Resources Canada's Geological Survey of Canada, university and industry geologists. The digital geology is available for free through MapPlace ( or as GeoFiles 2005-1 to 2005-10.