Summary of Activities 2017: Minerals and Mining

ISSN 2561-4584 (Print) / ISSN 2561-4592 (Online) Summary of Activities 2017: Minerals and Mining  

Geoscience BC, Report 2018-01

Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2017: Minerals and Mining includes 11 papers from ongoing and completed Mineral geoscience projects. Authors include both Geoscience BC proponents and Scholarship winners. An additional 10 papers from ongoing and completed Energy geoscience projects can be found in the companion volume Summary of Activities 2017: Energy.

Limited print copies of both volumes are available from Geoscience BC. Please contact

Click here to download the Minerals and Mining volume as a single PDF file (PDF document, 54 MB)

Individual Papers
Foreword (PDF document, 116 KB) Note: Also contains the document title page, publishing information and table of contents
B.E. Madu and T. Ballantyne  Search Project: Phase III Activities in North-Central British Columbia (PDF document, 4.2 MB)
M. Rahimi, J.J. Angen and C.J.R. Hart  Application of ASTER Data to Identify Potential Alteration Zones on Microwave Ridge, Northeastern Search Project Area, West-Central British Columbia (PDF document, 6.4 MB)
D.C. Arne, R. Mackie, C. Pennimpede and E. Grunsky  Integrated Assessment of Regional Stream-Sediment Geochemistry for Metallic Deposits in Northwestern British Columbia (PDF document, 2.9 MB)
D.F. McLeish, A.E. Williams-Jones, W.S. Board and J.R. Clark  Nature and Origin of the Brucejack Highgrade Epithermal Gold Deposit, Northwestern British Columbia: 2017 Update (PDF document, 13.6 MB)
T. Höy  Geology of the Greenwood Map Area, Boundary District, Southern British Columbia (PDF document, 2.0 MB)
N.A. Rioseco and D.R.M. Pattison  Preliminary Investigations of the Metamorphic and Thermochronological Interface Between the Purcell Anticlinorium and the Kootenay Arc, Southeastern British Columbia (PDF document, 13.3 MB)
R.L. Simister, P.A. Winterburn and S.A. Crowe  Responses of the Soil Microbial Community to Weathering of Ore Minerals (PDF document, 2.7 MB)
M.L. Mackay, R.L. Leeder, L. Giroux, H. Dexter, M. Holuszko, J. Halko, C. Howey and D. Thomas Producing Clean Coal from Western Canadian Coalfields Using the Water-Based Roben Jig Process (PDF document, 4.8 MB)
V. Kumar, A. Kumar and M.E. Holuszko Occurrence of Rare-Earth Elements in Selected British Columbian Coal Deposits and Their Derivative Products (PDF document, 1.3 MB)
L.M. Volden, D. Kirste, R.A. Gordon and M. Bianchin Geochemistry of Selenium in the Residual from Biologically Treated Mine-Impacted Waters (PDF document, 0.5 MB)
S.S.S. Vanderzee, I.M. Power, G.M. Dipple and P.M.D. Bradshaw Carbon Mineralization in Ultramafic Tailings, Central British Columbia: A Prospect for Stabilizing Mine Waste and Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (PDF document, 0.3 MB)