Summary of Activities 2007

Summary of Activities 2007Geoscience BC, Report 2008-1

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Individual Papers

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Foreward (PDF document, 3.41 MB) (file size reduced version, 571 Kb) Note: Also contains the document title page, publishing information and table of contents i
QUEST Project
Barnett, C.T. and Kowalczyk, P.L.: Airborne Electromagnetics and Airborne Gravity in the QUEST Project Area, Williams Lake to Mackenzie, British Columbia (PDF document, 6.81 MB) (file size reduced version, 781 kb) 1
Jackaman, W. and Balfour, J.S.: QUEST Project Geochemistry Field Surveys and Data Reanalysis, Central British Columbia (PDF document, 3.22 MB) (file size reduced version, 333 kb) 7
Minerals Projects
Andrews, G.D.M. and Russell, J.K.: Cover Thickness Across the Southern Interior Plateau, British Columbia: Constraints from Water-Well Records (PDF document, 6.99 MB) (file size reduced version, 811 kb) 11
Blevings, S.K., Kennedy, L.A. and Hickey, K.A. Controls on Copper and Gold Mineralization Along the Contact Between the Coast Plutonic Complex and the Southeast Coast Belt, Taseko Lakes Region, Southwestern British Columbia (PDF document, 4.64 MB) (file size reduced version, 3.58 MB) 21
Fecova, K., Marshall, D., Staples, R., Xue, G., Ullrich, T.D. and Close, S. Layered Intrusions and Regional Geology of the Nootka Sound Area, Vancouver Island, British Columbia (PDF document, 14.1 MB) (file size reduced version, 1.68 MB) 35
Hart, C.J.R., Goldfarb, R.J., Ullrich, T.D. and Friedman, R.: Gold, Granites and Geochronology: Timing of Formation of the Bralorne-Pioneer Gold Orebodies and the Bendor Batholith, Southwestern British Columbia (PDF document, 2.92 MB) (file size reduced version, 537 KB) 47
Hollis, L., Hickey, K. and Kennedy, L.A.: Mineralization and Alteration Associated with an Hypothesized Copper (Molybdenum) Porphyry System in the Taseko Lakes Area, Southwestern British Columbia (PDF document, 16.8 MB) (file size reduced version, 1.06 MB) 55
Kilby, W.E. and Kilby, C.E.: Hyperspectral Imagery Demonstration Project, British Columbia (PDF document, 11.2 MB) (file size reduced version, 915 KB) 67
Ruks, T. and Mortensen, J.K.: Geological Setting of Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Occurrences in the Middle Paleozoic Sicker Group of the Cowichan Lake Uplift, Southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia (PDF document, 26.3 MB) (file size reduced version, 1.81 MB) 77
Smith, J.L., Arehart, G.B. and Pinsent, R.: New Models for Mineral Exploration in British Columbia: Is There a Continuum Between Porphyry Molybdenum Deposits and Intrusion-Hosted Gold Deposits? (PDF document, 6.84 MB) (file size reduced version, 1.13 MB) 93
Tosdal, R.M., Jackson, M., Pass, H.E., Rees, C., Simpson, K.A., Cooke, D.R., Chamberlain, C.M. and Ferreira, L.: Hydrothermal Breccia in the Mount Polley Alkalic Porphyry Copper-Gold Deposit, British Columbia (PDF document, 4.70 MB) (file size reduced version, 559 KB) 105
Oil & Gas Projects
Cassidy, J.F., Al-Khoubbi, I. and Kim, H.S.: Mapping the Structure of the Nechako Basin Using Passive Source Seismology (PDF document, 5.39 MB) (file size reduced version, 723 KB) 115
Gagnon, J-F. and Waldron, J.W.F.: Ashman Ridge Section Revisited: New Insights for the Evolution of the Bowser Basin, Northwestern British Columbia (PDF document, 5.49 MB) (file size reduced version, 958 KB) 121
Hayward, N. and Calvert, A.J.: Structure of the Southeastern Nechako Basin, South-central British Columbia: Preliminary Results of Seismic Interpretation and First-Arrival Tomographic Modelling (PDF document, 4.47 MB) (file size reduced version, 647 KB) 129
Mustard, P.S., Mahoney, J.B., Goodin, J.R., MacLaurin, C.I. and Haggart, J.W.: New Studies of the Lower Cretaceous Jackass Mountain Group on the Southern Margin of the Nechako Basin, South-Central British Columbia: Progress and Preliminary Observations (PDF document, 9.42 MB) (file size reduced version, 2.65 KB) 135
Spratt, J., Craven, J., Shareef, S., Ferri, F. and Riddell, J.: Designing a Test Survey in the Nechako Basin, South-Central British Columbia to Determine the Usefulness of the Magnetotelluric Method in Oil and Gas Exploration (PDF document, 2.68 MB) (file size reduced version, 559 KB) 145