Geoscience BC Releases Report 2011-1: Summary of Activities 2010
January 26, 2010 -Geoscience BC is pleased to announce the release of Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2010, Report 2011-1.
This annual technical publication includes twenty-five papers which highlight the work of current Geoscience BC projects. The entire volume is accessible online from the Summary of Activities section of Geoscience BC's website, and limited print and CD versions of the volume will be available Wednesday and Thursday (January 26 and 27) at Geoscience BC's booth at AME BC's Mineral Exploration Roundup conferenceat the Westin Bayshore in Vancouver.
The contents of Summary of Activities 2010 are as follows:
"Porphyry Integration Project: combining British Columbia's Wealth of datasets with modern exploration geoscience at the district scale to provide new insight into porphyry-deposit exploration strategies"
(Devine, F.)
"Preliminary results of a vegetation, Ah-horizon soil and charcoal geochemical investigation at the Kwanika Central zone, north-central British Columbia"
(Heberlein, D.R. and Dunn, C.E.)
"Continued investigations of physical property-geology relationships in porphyry-deposit settings in the QUEST and QUEST-West project areas, central British Columbia"
(Mitchinson, D.E. and Enkin, R.J.)
"Magmatic evolution, mineralization and alteration of the Red Chris copper-gold porphyry deposit, northwestern British Columbia"
(Norris, J.R., Hart, C.J.R., Tosdal, R.M. and Rees, C.)
"Carbonaceous mudstone hosting the Eskay Creek deposit, northwestern British Columbia: multivariate statistical analysis of compositional trends"
(Meuzelaar, T. and Monecke, T.)
"Quaternary geology and till geochemistry of the Bulkley River valley, west-central British Columbia"
(Stumpf, A.J.)
"Quaternary geology and till geochemistry of the Colleymount map area, west-central British Columbia"
(Ferbey, T.)
"Drift prospecting within the QUEST Project area, central British Columbia: potential for porphyry copper-gold, volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization and gold-copper veins"
(Ward, B.C., Leybourne, M.I. and Sacco, D.)
"Investigations of orogenic gold deposits in the Cariboo gold district, east-central British Columbia: final report"
(Mortensen, J.K., Rhys, D.A. and Ross, K.)
"Characterization of placer- and lode-gold grains as an exploration tool in east-central British Columbia"
(Chapman, R.C. and Mortensen, J.K.)
"Variability in the basaltic rocks hosting copper-gold porphyry mineralization in the Quesnel terrane, south-central British Columbia: geochemistry, stable isotopes and physical properties"
(Vaca, S., Bissig, D.E., Mitchinson, S., Barker, S. and Hart, C.J.R.)
"Geological investigations of the basement of the Quesnel terrane in southern British Columbia: progress report"
(Mortensen, J.K., Lucas, K., Monger, J.W.H. and Cordey, F.)
"Geology and mineralogy of carbonate-hosted nonsulphide Zn-Pb mineralization in southern and central British Columbia"
(Paradis, S., Keevil, H., Simandl, G.J. and Raudsepp, M.)
"Physical properties of carbonate-hosted nonsulphide Zn-Pb mineralization in southern and central British Columbia"
(Enkin, R.J., Paradis, S. and Simandl, G.J.)
"British Columbia Regional Geochemical Survey Program: new analytical data and sample archive upgrades"
(Jackaman, W.)
"Deep aquifer characterization in support of Montney gas development, northeastern British Columbia: progress report"
(Hayes, B.J.R., Hume, D.W., Webb, G., Costanzo, S., Hopkins, M. and McDonald, D.)
"Overview of the Montney Water Project: a new Geoscience BC initiative in northeastern British Columbia"
(Brown, D.A.)
"Quantification of the gas-in-place and flow characteristics of tight gas-charged rocks and gas-shale potential in British Columbia"
(Bustin, R.M., Chalmers, G. and Bustin, A.A.M.)
"Tectonic evolution and paleogeography of Pennsylvanian-Permian strata in east-central British Columbia: implications from stratigraphy, fracture analysis and sedimentology"
(Zubin-Stathopoulos, K.D., Dean, G.J., Spratt, D., Beauchamp, B., Spratt, D.A. and Henderson, C.M.)
"Biostratigraphic correlation and shale fabric of Lower Triassic strata, east-central British Columbia"
(Henderson, C.M.)
"Stratigraphic correlation and sedimentary provenance of Triassic natural gas-bearing rocks in northeastern British Columbia: correlation from outcrop to the subsurface"
(Golding, M.L., Zonneveld, J-P., Orchard, M.J., Ferri, F. and Mortensen, J.K.)
"Characterization and structural framework of Eocene volcanic sequences in the Nechako region, central British Columbia"
(Bordet, E. and Hart, C.J.R.)
"Improved near-surface velocity models from the Nechako Basin seismic survey, south-central British Columbia, part 2: full-waveform inversion"
(Smithyman, B.R. and Clowes, R.M.)
"Velocity models from three-dimensional traveltime tomography in the Nechako Basin, south-central British Columbia"
(Talinga, D.A. and Calvert, A.J.)
"Modelling and investigation of airborne electromagnetic data and reprocessing of vibroseis data from the Nechako Basin of south-central British Columbia, guided by magnetotelluric results"
(Farquharson, C.G., Craven, J.A., Hurich, C.A., Spratt, J.E., Welford, J.K. and Pilkington, M.)
Geoscience BC
Geoscience BC is an industry-led, industry-focused not-for-profit society. Its mandate includes the collection, interpretation and marketing of geoscience data and expertise to promote investment in resource exploration and development in British Columbia. Geoscience BC is funded through grants from the Provincial Government and works in partnership with industry, academia, government, First Nations and communities to attract mineral and oil & gas investment to BC.
This annual technical publication includes twenty-five papers which highlight the work of current Geoscience BC projects. The entire volume is accessible online from the Summary of Activities section of Geoscience BC's website, and limited print and CD versions of the volume will be available Wednesday and Thursday (January 26 and 27) at Geoscience BC's booth at AME BC's Mineral Exploration Roundup conferenceat the Westin Bayshore in Vancouver.
The contents of Summary of Activities 2010 are as follows:
"Porphyry Integration Project: combining British Columbia's Wealth of datasets with modern exploration geoscience at the district scale to provide new insight into porphyry-deposit exploration strategies"
(Devine, F.)
"Preliminary results of a vegetation, Ah-horizon soil and charcoal geochemical investigation at the Kwanika Central zone, north-central British Columbia"
(Heberlein, D.R. and Dunn, C.E.)
"Continued investigations of physical property-geology relationships in porphyry-deposit settings in the QUEST and QUEST-West project areas, central British Columbia"
(Mitchinson, D.E. and Enkin, R.J.)
"Magmatic evolution, mineralization and alteration of the Red Chris copper-gold porphyry deposit, northwestern British Columbia"
(Norris, J.R., Hart, C.J.R., Tosdal, R.M. and Rees, C.)
"Carbonaceous mudstone hosting the Eskay Creek deposit, northwestern British Columbia: multivariate statistical analysis of compositional trends"
(Meuzelaar, T. and Monecke, T.)
"Quaternary geology and till geochemistry of the Bulkley River valley, west-central British Columbia"
(Stumpf, A.J.)
"Quaternary geology and till geochemistry of the Colleymount map area, west-central British Columbia"
(Ferbey, T.)
"Drift prospecting within the QUEST Project area, central British Columbia: potential for porphyry copper-gold, volcanogenic massive sulphide mineralization and gold-copper veins"
(Ward, B.C., Leybourne, M.I. and Sacco, D.)
"Investigations of orogenic gold deposits in the Cariboo gold district, east-central British Columbia: final report"
(Mortensen, J.K., Rhys, D.A. and Ross, K.)
"Characterization of placer- and lode-gold grains as an exploration tool in east-central British Columbia"
(Chapman, R.C. and Mortensen, J.K.)
"Variability in the basaltic rocks hosting copper-gold porphyry mineralization in the Quesnel terrane, south-central British Columbia: geochemistry, stable isotopes and physical properties"
(Vaca, S., Bissig, D.E., Mitchinson, S., Barker, S. and Hart, C.J.R.)
"Geological investigations of the basement of the Quesnel terrane in southern British Columbia: progress report"
(Mortensen, J.K., Lucas, K., Monger, J.W.H. and Cordey, F.)
"Geology and mineralogy of carbonate-hosted nonsulphide Zn-Pb mineralization in southern and central British Columbia"
(Paradis, S., Keevil, H., Simandl, G.J. and Raudsepp, M.)
"Physical properties of carbonate-hosted nonsulphide Zn-Pb mineralization in southern and central British Columbia"
(Enkin, R.J., Paradis, S. and Simandl, G.J.)
"British Columbia Regional Geochemical Survey Program: new analytical data and sample archive upgrades"
(Jackaman, W.)
"Deep aquifer characterization in support of Montney gas development, northeastern British Columbia: progress report"
(Hayes, B.J.R., Hume, D.W., Webb, G., Costanzo, S., Hopkins, M. and McDonald, D.)
"Overview of the Montney Water Project: a new Geoscience BC initiative in northeastern British Columbia"
(Brown, D.A.)
"Quantification of the gas-in-place and flow characteristics of tight gas-charged rocks and gas-shale potential in British Columbia"
(Bustin, R.M., Chalmers, G. and Bustin, A.A.M.)
"Tectonic evolution and paleogeography of Pennsylvanian-Permian strata in east-central British Columbia: implications from stratigraphy, fracture analysis and sedimentology"
(Zubin-Stathopoulos, K.D., Dean, G.J., Spratt, D., Beauchamp, B., Spratt, D.A. and Henderson, C.M.)
"Biostratigraphic correlation and shale fabric of Lower Triassic strata, east-central British Columbia"
(Henderson, C.M.)
"Stratigraphic correlation and sedimentary provenance of Triassic natural gas-bearing rocks in northeastern British Columbia: correlation from outcrop to the subsurface"
(Golding, M.L., Zonneveld, J-P., Orchard, M.J., Ferri, F. and Mortensen, J.K.)
"Characterization and structural framework of Eocene volcanic sequences in the Nechako region, central British Columbia"
(Bordet, E. and Hart, C.J.R.)
"Improved near-surface velocity models from the Nechako Basin seismic survey, south-central British Columbia, part 2: full-waveform inversion"
(Smithyman, B.R. and Clowes, R.M.)
"Velocity models from three-dimensional traveltime tomography in the Nechako Basin, south-central British Columbia"
(Talinga, D.A. and Calvert, A.J.)
"Modelling and investigation of airborne electromagnetic data and reprocessing of vibroseis data from the Nechako Basin of south-central British Columbia, guided by magnetotelluric results"
(Farquharson, C.G., Craven, J.A., Hurich, C.A., Spratt, J.E., Welford, J.K. and Pilkington, M.)
Geoscience BC
Geoscience BC is an industry-led, industry-focused not-for-profit society. Its mandate includes the collection, interpretation and marketing of geoscience data and expertise to promote investment in resource exploration and development in British Columbia. Geoscience BC is funded through grants from the Provincial Government and works in partnership with industry, academia, government, First Nations and communities to attract mineral and oil & gas investment to BC.