CLOSED: Minerals Geoscience to Stimulate Exploration Activity in British Columbia

Geoscience BC is pleased to issue this General Request for Proposals (RFP) for applied Minerals geoscience projects in BC. We encourage proposal submissions from industry, government, First Nations, academia, communities or not-for profit organizations related to mineral exploration in BC. Proposals that will be considered should be of an applied and innovative nature and relate to geology, mineral deposits, or metallogeny of BC, or address an exploration method or technique that will enhance exploration interest and success in BC.


For more details on the RFP and proposal guidelines, please download the following: Proposals that do not conform to the submission guidelines will be disregarded.   Proposal proponents are advised that Geoscience BC requires all projects accepted for funding to enter into a Project Agreement with Geoscience BC. The following are samples of the current versions of these agreements (subject to change):   Proponents (particulary university-based proponents) are advised to review Geoscience BC's terms and conditions prior to submitting a proposal. Any questions regarding the agreements should be directed to Christa Sluggett, Project Geologist and Communications Coordinator (contact info in Request for Proposals and Agreement files).